This is a good one but its a in console but i hope you will like it and it has not alot code . the program works like when you enter a IP address and press enter key in your keyboard then you will see the class of the ip address and subnet mask and...
Home » Archives for January 2013
How To Draw Border At PictureBox Border In C#

hello i am up with this but this is something very small but very useful ok now what this is about , theres are 2button and a openfiledialog and when you click open the openfiledialog will be up so you just can go ahead and select a image and you...
How To Create A Folder Using C#

hello this is a simple tutorial not actually a tutorial but yah lets begin this is a console application so you dont need any forms you know that ok so create a new console application project and name it now when the coding part is loaded now you just...
How To Get SQL Instance Using C#

hello guys this a simple tutorial that will give you the list of SQL servers available on your lan . ok lets begin making this just open c# and make a new project and name it whatever and after form finished loading add a button and change the text to...
The Switch Case Statement In Visual C# .Net
The switch case statement is also used for making decision, unlike the if else statement , we can not test conditions like "greater than" or "less than" . in switch case we can test the value of a variable and decide what to do if a particular value...
How To Make A Awesome Calender Using HTML,CSS,JQUERY

hello guys , i am going to write here on how to make a calender i am gonna use html and css first of all you need the codes
you need jquery 1.6.2
jquery ui mous...
How To Add Facebook Share Buttons To Your Website

I wouldn't call this a tutorial but i hope this is helpful for you in some ways in this post I am featuring facebook share buttons.
1 - small icon with text(share on facebook):
function fbs_click() {
u = location.href;
How To Make A Contact Form In PHP
this is a simple contact form that many websites use in their website for a contact for , we can make this with html and php , html is form and php is to send the email...
What Is Pseudocode
Pseudo Code is structured english like way of representing the solution to a problem. it is considered a first draft because pseudocode eventually has to be translated in to a programming language. although pseudo code is like english and has some...
What Is Flowchart
A flowchart is a diagrammatic representation of the processes involved in arriving at a solution to a problem. while many symbols are included in its notation, you can see the most important below...
What Is Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
Object oriented programming (oops ) is an emerging major programming paradigm. much of its approach to program and system design is owned to concepts which also gave rise to structured programming , an object is a particular instance of a class and consists,...
How To Display Time In Javascript
ok this is a simple clock i mean its a digital one but its real time , the javascript is down here...
How To Display Date In Javascript
i am making this as very small because i have many things to post oj here is the code
<script type="text/javascript">
var currentTime = new Date()
var month = currentTime.getMonth() + 1
var day = currentTime.getDate()
var year...
How To Disable And Enable Task Manager In VB.NET
this only works in windows xp . you will need two buttons , add two buttons and double click form and add this and change the button1 text to enable and button 2 disable ...
How To Make A Password Generator In C++

i am new to c++ and this is a interesting thing ok now this is a preview of my code
ok now heres the cod...
How To Open Cashier Drawer In VB.NET

the code below will open the cashier drawer using either
LPT or COM port
if you use LPT port this is the right way of code...
How To Convert Numbers To Normal Text In PHP
i am up with a simple php thing this convert number to text for instance if you enter 100 in the textbox and click the button the label will show the text form of 100 , hundred . below is the full code(s)
form code
Enter Your Number
How To Login And Logout With Session In PHP
this is a simple tutorial for beginners by the way this is also a good way to login and logout
lets make the index.php
<form action="login.php" method="post">
How To Block And Unblock USB Using VB.NET
this is something very interest but this is the best way to lock usb and unblock usb because i am using registry so anyone can change the registry by the way lets just make it
you will need two buttons thats it
button1 - block
button2 - unblock
How To Make A Simple Login In VB.NET

A login form is a form which is used to give access to other form for instance lets take you have a login form and you have two textboxes in login form and a button so if your username textbox and password textbox text is correct then when you click...
How To load Availale Drives In Combobox In VB.NET
I saw on some forums, many people asking how to get the available drives in a combobox or whatever in VB.NET, here is the code that get's the available drives in a combobox, you can change combobox to listbox and etc...