How Make A PictureBox Bounce Everywhere In C#

How Make A PictureBox Bounce Everywhere In C#
Okay I think you have seen this thing in VB.NET or Visual Basic 5.0/6.0 :) so i was at my class and one of my class guy asked me how he could make a picturebox bounce everywhere in your screen so i was bulbed what i mean from bulb-ed is i got an idea...

Useful Google Chrome Extensions For Developers

Useful Google Chrome Extensions For Developers
Google Chrome extensions are also known as Google Chrome apps , so today i will write down some Google Chrome extensions that are useful for developers doesn't matter web dev or software dev . Web Developer web developer is an extension created by...

How To Make A MP3 Player In VB.NET

How To Make A MP3 Player In VB.NET
Someone requested me to write a tutorial about making a mp3 player in by the way i actually don't have time to do it but i am here to do a simple one because i don't want to deny his request or late .. first of all right click on your toolbox...

How To Make A Shutdown Manager In VB.NET

How To Make A Shutdown Manager In VB.NET
Today I went through my old project and I found a project and wanted to create a tutorial about it so it's a shutdown manager. I couldn't test and make it so much advanced because I don't have time so I will just write down the basic codings . To...

How To Use Microsoft Office Word Spell Checker In Your Project In VB.NET

How To Use Microsoft Office Word Spell Checker In Your Project In VB.NET
Last night i was thinking on how to do this (title) then i came with an idea , i did a program that converts Docx(Microsoft Office Document) to DOC(Microsoft Office Word 98-2003 Document) so i used the same method but had to tweak . for this you don't...

How To Eject And Close CD/DVD Drive In C#

How To Eject And Close CD/DVD Drive In C#
Okay guys i was doing a program about managing the system things so i had to figure out eject and closing CD/DVD Drive so i did and here is the code for this . first of all you need to import a interop service it's [DllImport("winmm.dll", EntryPoint...

How To Set Up Python In Windows

How To Set Up Python In Windows
I did a tutorial on how to set up java in windows so on i also have python installed so i thought it would be nice to make a tutorial about doing the same thing for python first of all i want say that interpreted languages only has compiler(most of)...

How To Set Up Java In Windows

How To Set Up Java In Windows
I saw many people having problems in setting up the java compiler so I just thought of doing a tutorial on this so on here i am .. , first of all download the latest version of java by the way remember to download it from oracle website and not...

How To Make Beeb Sound On Each Word In Java

How To Make Beeb Sound On Each Word In Java
hello guys , so you all know what is a beeb sound so on in or c-sharp it's veru easy to make beeb sound. if you want to make beeb sound in here is the code Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction.Beep() if you want to make beeb sound...

How To Make A Addition Calculator In Java Using JOption

How To Make A Addition Calculator In Java Using JOption
Okay guys today i will be teaching you how to make a simple addition calculator using Joption in java, I saw someone wrote some codes to calculate addition also it uses Java Scanner. This is that program . import java.util.Scanner; class basic_cal { ...

Android Studio : An IDE For Android Developers

Android Studio : An IDE For Android Developers
Google has released an IDE for android developers based on IntelliJ IDEA , before Android Studio we had to use Eclipse to develop Android apps but now the Android Studio comes in handy , it has a really cool interface and a lot of features are available...

How To Make Unicode String Reader In VB.NET

How To Make Unicode String Reader In VB.NET
hey guys , today i was searching for some old things and i found out a simple program i wrote before two years and it's a unicode string reader , it has a simple interface i have used a richtextbox and a button and of course a openfiledialog in code...

How To Get Windows Product Key In C#

How To Get Windows Product Key In C#
I wrote a tutorial before months on how to get windows product key in Today we are going to do the same thing in c#. First of all add these namespaces : using Microsoft.Win32; using System.Collections; After that add this function....

How To Print A Triangle In Java Using For Loop

How To Print A Triangle In Java Using For Loop
hello guys , i remember what kind of homeworks in java students get at the start so i started to post solutions in this even i had to do this when i was doing java (a diploma) our sir asked us to make a program that prints out a triangle using For...

How To Make Label Typing Effect In VB.NET

How To Make Label Typing Effect In VB.NET
For this tutorials we will need a timer and a label and a public string and a public integer thats all we need to begin add a label and add a timer now lets go do coding i have written the codes so no need to write one by o...

Cryptographic Algorithms For VB.NET

Cryptographic Algorithms For VB.NET
I wanted to share some Cryptographic Algorithms with you all and by the way cryptographic is a very important resource for programmers all the way . Triple DES - triple data encryption (3DES) Imports System.Text Imports System.Security.Cryptography Public...
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