How To Embed Facebook Posts Into Your Blog Posts

facebook emedded
Sharing your Facebook posts on your website or blog page might help with the engagement on your website. however before you'll be able to embed a post, that individual post has to be public. Posts with restricted privacy settings will not be embeddable. therefore if you are attempting to embed your own post, confirm it's set to Public.

You need get the URL of the Facebook post that you wish to embed, you can get your Facebook post URL from your date of of your post.

How To Use Spell Checker WPF In VB.NET

How To Use Spell Checker WPF In VB.NET
I started WPF in and soon I will move to c# by the way this the first tutorial in Ultimate programming tutorials about WPF so be cool first of all WPF means windows presentation foundation as i know WPF is really cool . so to get started Start A new project and select WPF
How To Use Spell Checker WPF In VB.NET

so then you will see two items called Application.xaml and MainWindow.xaml in your right side bar where you see your forms and resources . go to MainWindow.xaml and double click it and you will see something alike form and you will have these codes

Widget to share photos,text & page


The best way to get traffic for your blog is from search engines and social media. Today I found a social media sharing service very impressive and attractive. Let me introduce to the service, there's a website called that promotes your blog visitors to share your blog articles in three ways.

1 : Page Sharing
page share
2 : Image Sharing
image share

3 : Text Sharing
text sharing

To install this service on your blog go to

Choose Social Media services + Sharing Types + Icon Color
social media
Sign up
sign up
Get your code
codes scripts
Put the code at </body> or somewhere in your template
</body tags
Verify your installation
verify install
They have a dashboard where you can see the sharing stats & etc, I hope this is helpful. Have a great day.

How To Edit/Change Comments In Blogger

This is my first blogger tutorial, sometimes we get spammy comments/offending comments and etc for our posts and if we delete the comment that is something not nice so what we can do is, we can just edit the posted comment easily.

First of you need to go to setting>other in your blogger control panel and click on Export blog.

How To Make A Random Text Generator In PHP

I don't do php at all but this is something I had to learn so to begin our Text Generator open your favorite Text Editor, I have Sublime Text 3 beta. First add the usual html>head>body tags and close the tags, after that let's add our css after body tag add these codes.
<style type="text/css">
.refresh {
    -moz-box-shadow:inset 0px 1px 0px 0px #caefab;
    -webkit-box-shadow:inset 0px 1px 0px 0px #caefab;
    box-shadow:inset 0px 1px 0px 0px #caefab;
    border:1px solid #268a16;
    padding:6px 24px;
    text-shadow:1px 1px 0px #aade7c;
}.refresh:hover {
}.refresh:active {
h1 {
font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color:#000000; font-size:33pt
After that we have a PHP function, add these codes after your css codes
function Generate() {
                    $var = "abcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";
                    $i = 0;
                    $code = '' ;
                    while ($i <= 6) {
                        $num = rand() % 35;
                        $tmp = substr($var, $num, 1);
                        $code = $code . $tmp;
                    return $code;
Now finally let's call the function with these codes, just add these codes after the function(php)
echo Generate();
<a href="index.php" class="refresh">Refresh</a>

NOTE: Replace index.php with your PHP file name.

Now run the PHP, here is image of what we've made

php codes

I hope this php tutorial was interesting,Thank you for reading & do share if you thing the article deserves.

How To Load Array Values Into Listbox & ComboBox In C#

combox tutLast 3 days I have been working on a Library Management System, it's for my college actually it's a group project, but i promised my group members that I will code and design the whole system, by the way i really had lots of problems because this would be my first time doing with a database, also I didn't know how a Library Management System works because I have never been to a Library. Hopefully I am almost done, I am going to meet my group members and ask them to make the Documentation.

Loading Array values into a ComboBox, I had to do it in my Library Management System, I will wrote the same code that I used in my Library Management System.

First we need to create a private Const int(const is a special kind of variable....), a private String Array and set value to them.
private const int Total = 13;
        private String[] genre = new String[Total];
Now coming to the function, we'll create a Function called LoadBookGenres(), and set set values to the arrays, adding to the listbox or combobox, by the way you can still go straightly without creating a new Function like you can set the values for the arrays, and load(sort) the array values to the listbox or the combobox in an event(ex:Form_Load).
private void LoadBookGenres()
            //Assign value into Array
            genre[0] = "Adventure";
            genre[1] = "Animals";
            genre[2] = "Computers & Internet";
            genre[3] = "Biography";
            genre[4] = "Comics";
            genre[5] = "Horror";
            genre[6] = "Sports";
            genre[7] = "Romance";
            genre[8] = "Historical";
            genre[9] = "Music";
            genre[10] = "Religion";
            genre[11] = "Mystery";
            genre[12] = "Other";

            //Sort array and fill listbox with the sorted array
            for (int i = 0; i < genre.Length; i++)
NOTE : Change ListBox1 to your listbox name or your combobox name.
 Remember we set the public const int to 13, always in computer science you should count from 0 and upwards.
Now we just need to call the Function from an event, I called it from Form_load
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

Here is a picture of this in ListBox.

Here is a picture of this in ComboBox.
I hope this has helped you in someway, Thanks for reading.

How To Make a Website Responsive

mobile of UP
Being a blogger or a webmaster everyone want's to make their website compatible with any device. Not everyone know this small one line code that makes your website fit with mobile/tablet etc devices size.

All you need to do is just add this one line code under your head.

<meta content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1' name='viewport'/>

After adding it, save your template and let's check if it works, go to and enter your website URL & hit enter, within seconds you would be able to see how your website looks like and if it fits for other devices.

Theres another way to check it, just resize your webbrowser
As you can see it works, Thanks for reading I hope this helps you.

How To Make A Round Button In C#

round button for c#
Someone has asked me how to make a round button in c#, if I am right it's really easy to make round button with, I didn't have time to do something really advanced, I made something really simple. All you have to do is just create a new class and add all these codes into your class.
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
using System.Windows.Forms;

class Round : Button
    protected override void OnCreateControl()
        using (var path = new GraphicsPath())
            path.AddEllipse(new Rectangle(2, 2, this.Width - 5, this.Height - 5));
            this.Region = new Region(path);
Just build the project or debug and look for a new tool in your toolbox
toolbox new tool rectangle button
You can add it to your form and use it, by the way I recommend you to use this button also please change the width and other sizes for your needs. 

The Most Awesome Indian Public Marriage Proposal Ever

I know, this is not something about programming or programmers, but I just want to share it with you. I saw this video on facebook someone has shared it via youtube so I was watching it, it was really great, by the way I am not from india but I love india, watch and enjoy..

I hope you really liked the video.