I think some of you know that i have write a tutorial to get the HWID in vb.net , if you want to look at it you can go here . coming to the point now to get the HWID first of all it's something with your system so first go ahead and add right click your project name and select add reference then a windows will pop up now go to .NET tab and search for System.Management when you found that tick it and click ok.

//Author : Mohamed Shimran //Blog : http://ultimateprogrammingtutorials.blogspot.com string HWID = string.Empty;//creating a empty string ManagementClass Management = new ManagementClass("win32_processor");//declaring the system management calss ManagementObjectCollection MObject = Management.GetInstances();//decalring the system management object collection foreach (ManagementObject mob in MObject)//having a foreach loop { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(HWID)) { HWID = mob.GetPropertyValue("processorID").ToString();//converting the HWID to string break; } } MessageBox.Show("Your HWID : " + HWID, " HWID" ,MessageBoxButtons.OK,MessageBoxIcon.Information );//displaying the HWID from Message BoxNow debug your program then use the event that you added the code then a message box will pop up with your HWID by the way you can make a label , textbox etc to display the HWID easily , if you still have any confusions just comment below .
I am using the windows classic now because i just need my computer to be faster not slower . Enjoy
can somebody tellme why it is not working? system.management already active
@Andre : add reference System.Management?
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