Thinkspace Seeks To Launch Software Development To High Schools Worldwide

Thinkspace is an organization created by sixteen year old James Anderson, Thinkspace seeks to "inspire the next generation of app developers" through coding zones worldwide. Thinkspace was formally launched by James Anderson this month(september) with the campuses in Plymouth and Northern Ireland. James Anderson came up with the concept for Thinkspace once he became frustrated with UK's educational system's approach to computer information technology related topics. Instead of plan to change the curriculum(course of study), Anderson wanted to figure around it by making Thinkspaces among schools.

A Thinkspace is basically a room filled with computers and mobile devices with that students are inspired to make no matter code they will imagine. The UK Thinkspace located at Plymouth's Devonport High School for boys, contains Android devices, Apple Devices, Blackberrys and Windows Phones, all connected to an assortment of Mac and PC computers. Anderson revealed that the flagship UK campus cost around £10,000, however Anderson says that nearly any budget can fulfil. The goal isn't essentially to build development labs, but rather to supply students with an area to go in order to learn to code, collaborate on projects and simply build software.

According to the website of Thinkspace any school interested in establishing a Thinkspace is welcome to join the program. The only need is that a teacher from the school be part of Thinkspace Social(a development oriented social network created by James Anderson) and begin inviting students from the school.

The Thinkspace project has gained the backing of the many well known public figures, like Google SVP of Engineering Vic Gundotta, Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, Twitter CEO Dick Costolo, Virgin founder Richard Branson and high executives from alternative corporations such as Microsoft.

The Team :
ThinkSpace Team

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