Convert Strings to Upper Case in JavaScript

Convert Strings to Upper Case in JavaScript

This will teach you the way to convert strings to upper case in javascript. we will use these if we've a text field needs to capitalized all inputted text or simply the 1st letter of the word.

Source :

Hope you learn from this

How To Make a Age Calculator in Java

This is a age calculator made in java, it's a console application by the way :)

source :

 import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.InputMismatchException;

public class age_calculator {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int day = 0;
        int month = 0;
        int year = 0;
        Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
         System.out.print("Day: ");
         day = scan.nextInt();
         System.out.print("Month: ");
         month = scan.nextInt();
         System.out.print("Year: ");
         year = scan.nextInt();
  catch(InputMismatchException e){
   System.out.println("Error: You entered an invalid number");
        System.out.println("\nYou are " + getAge(day,month,year) + " years old");

    public static int getAge(int day, int month, int year){
  final int ERROR = -1;

        //initialize GregorianCalendar with current date
        GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar();
        //constant holds current day
        final int CDAY = cal.get(GregorianCalendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
        //constant hold current month
        final int CMONTH = cal.get(GregorianCalendar.MONTH) + 1;
        //constant to hold current year
        final int CYEAR = cal.get(GregorianCalendar.YEAR);
        //check if current day of the month is greater then birth day
        if (month == CMONTH){
            if(CDAY >= day)
                return CYEAR - year;
   if(CDAY < day)
    return CYEAR - year - 1;
        //check if birth month is less then current month
        else if(month < CMONTH)
            return CYEAR - year;
        //subtract 1 from the age because  the current day in the month is less then birth date
         return CYEAR - year - 1;
  return ERROR;


screenshot :
 How To Make a Age Calculator in Java
 Hope it helped you :)

Java Port Scanner Full Source Code

Java Port Scanner Full Source Code

Here is the full source code :

/*+---------------------------------Adeel Mahmood---------------------------------+*\

/*+---------------------------------Port Scanner----------------------------------+*\



import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

public class PortScanner extends Frame{

Socket s;
int startPort,endPort;
Label l1;
TextField hostName,fromPort,toPort;
TextArea log;
Label host,from,to,label;
Button scan,reset;
int fp,tp;
String h;
static boolean close=false;
Dialog d;

public PortScanner(){

Frame f=new Frame("Port Scanner");

f.setLayout(new GridLayout(5,1));

l1=new Label("Port Scanner version 1.0",Label.CENTER);
l1.setFont(new Font("TimesRoman",Font.BOLD,20));

Panel p1=new Panel(new GridLayout(3,3));
host=new Label("Host Name:");
hostName=new TextField(15);
from=new Label("From Port:");
fromPort=new TextField(15);
to=new Label("To Port:");
toPort=new TextField(15);


Panel p2=new Panel();
scan=new Button("Scan Now");
scan.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent r){
if(hostName.getText().equals("")){log.setText("Please complete all the required fields");
 else if (fromPort.getText().equals("")){log.setText("Please complete all the required fields");
  else if(toPort.getText().equals("")){log.setText("Please complete all the required fields");
Thread run1=new Thread(){
public void run(){



for(int i=fp;i<=tp;i++){
label.setText("Port "+i+" is being tested");
 s=new Socket(h,i);
 log.append("Port "+i+" is open."+"\n");
 catch(Exception er){continue;}
label.setText("Press Scan to start.");

reset=new Button("Reset");
reset.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent t){
Thread run2=new Thread(){
public void run(){

Label empty=new Label();

log=new TextArea();

label=new Label("Press Scan to start.");


f.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter(){
public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e){


public static void main(String args[]){

new PortScanner();

}// end of class

Enjoy, please comment if you have any problems.

Why Use Knowledge Base Software?

Why Use Knowledge Base Software?

Give your customers the ability to answer frequently asked questions, access how-to videos, or download forms, while at the same time increasing your business efficiency and decreasing employee costs. How? Easy, use knowledge base software. A well-designed knowledge base management system can act as a self-serve information resource for both customers and employees.

What is a knowledge base system?
Basically, a knowledge base management system is a place for storing information that can be organized, searched, shared, and used for multiple purposes.

For example, let's say your new online business is inundated with customer queries and support requests. In addition, your support teams often need to scramble to find the most up-to-date information and resources to solve the customer's problem.

Using knowledge base software, you can build an effective online resource allowing customers to access the information they need whenever they need it, therefore reducing the number of support calls. A constantly updated system would also allow all employees instant access to the same knowledge, eliminating the frustration of searching multiple places for information that may or may not be current.

How can knowledge base software decrease costs?
Allowing the customer 24/7 access to information and instructional videos is less costly for your business than finding, training, and paying employees to staff the phones 24 hours a day. It can also help reduce the learning curve for new employees by storing the information they need in a searchable database.

Add instructional videos and both the customer and new employee can quickly learn the benefits of your product or service, how to assemble a product, ways to return merchandise, or what other products or services might complement the selected item. This reduces employee time answering queries and reduces training costs as customer service representatives can educate themselves on a number of procedures.

What information should a knowledge base system contain?
A knowledge base system should contain as much relevant information as possible to be useful for the people accessing the system.  Remember, the knowledge base system is intended to act as a resource for the reader, so defining who the reader might be is crucial. The language you use and the information you provide may differ depending on whether you are addressing a customer or a sales representative.

Consider organizing the information into different levels of complexity for certain topics. For example, your customers will likely be interested in the "how to" of a topic, while a support technician will also need to know the "why." Business or technology jargon may be appropriate for a technical representative, but not for the layman trying to find the answer to a basic question.

Don't forget to ask for feedback!
A knowledge base system can allow customers to rate your knowledge articles and leave comments. This means that the business can stay on top of what information consumers need. Encouraging feedback also makes the customer feel vested in your business, an important way to promote loyalty and increase customer satisfaction.

Just keep two things in mind when designing your knowledge base system: know your reader and make every key word searchable. Customers that can find answers to their questions quickly are going to be left with a favorable impression of your business. And that translates to an increase in customer loyalty and retention.

Author Bio
David Miller is an educational researcher who has vast experience in the field of teaching, Online testing and training. He is associated with prestigious universities and many leading educational research organizations. He’s also an ed-tech veteran, currently pursuing research in new Knowledge base software, and is a contributing author with ProProfs.

How To Protect C# Applications From Buffer Overflow Attacks

buffer overflow attack is once the user purposely enters an excessive amount of data in such the way that the program can spill the information across completely different memory locations which can cause bad  behavior like opening another vulnerability for the attack to use.

This works through the utilization of user input. If the information size isn't checked properly before process the information in sure ways in which, it will become prone to a buffer overflow attack.

Protecting from buffer overflow :
we will be using the c-sharp console application(CLI) as an example.

First create a byte array which we will use to store the user input in next, notice that we are giving it a fixed size of 255 bytes.

byte[] byt = new byte[255];

Now we will get some user input.


Now let's convert it to a byte array.


Now set it to our previously declared 'bytes' byte array with a fixed size of 255 bytes...

byt = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(Console.ReadLine());

The vulnerability here is that the user can be inputting a string of 256+ bytes or characters so once converted to bytes, it'll be rather more than the 'bytes'; byte array will handle - a most of 255.

To fix this, we are able to merely check the byte count 1st before setting it to the 'bytes' byte array...
string readLine = Console.ReadLine();
if (Encoding.Default.GetBytes(readLine).Length <= 255) {
byt = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(readLine); 


Now, if the user enters a string that once regenerate to byte is larger than the 'bytes' byte array will handle, it merely will not arrange to set the 'bytes' byte array to the new input.

Top 4 Steps to Improve Performance Appraisal in Company

Top 4 Steps to Improve Performance Appraisal in Company
Employees are the soul of company and keeping them happy is the most important thing to consider. Offering a better working environment, handsome and timely package are certain things that need to be followed in the right way. Effective and well manage data base in a huge firm is important for keeping a close watch over services of employees efficiency and performance. This ultimately helps in performance appraisal of the employees and keeping them happy for long term.

There are software that allows the company to keep track of the performance of each employee and following it for long term. However, this appraisal solution is later divided into 4 different steps which are mentioned below:

· Assessing Job Performance:  The ratings of the employee’s performance entirely depend on the company’s performance.  However, the evaluation process is quite hectic. The process involves observing and keeping the record of each employee by using performance appraisal software which brings down the issues. The solution helps in tracing productivity, problem solving abilities and quality of work primarily; also factors like attitude, co-operation, communication etc.

· Ratings and Rankings: Once the rating is done, the assessment is processed by superior authorities, which consist of team or individual. Through the help of software, they post their comments and suggestions for the same. The comments section contains improvements, suggestions, goals to be achieved, potential of employees, etc.

· Remarks: The software also helps to improve the efficiency of the employee. Employers can generate a separate column to put down remarks through which employee need to work on in order to improve their performance. This certainly helps in working hard on required points and stay focused on the work. While evaluation, it is advisable to give examples of strengths and weaknesses of the employees this will help on working on the same in a better way.

· Seeking Feedback: The software also comes with feedback section that will help the employee to give feedback and approach the authorities regarding the assessment. They can also raise question regarding the same.

The main aim of having performance appraisal software is to get connected with employee through evaluating them and helping to keep their performance well for long term. Using of such software will certainly boost the working environment of the staff and take the company to the forward level.

Common Misconceptions Regarding Flipping Classrooms

Common Misconceptions Regarding Flipping Classrooms

Flipped classrooms are a great way of expanding the learning curve of students. Using this technique, students get to spend more time critically analyzing topics. Frequent discussions regarding topics in class help students learn more effectively. Moreover, students actually get to clear their confusions with the teacher in class. The idea behind flipped classrooms is to enhance interaction with students.

It focuses on clearing students’ concept regarding different subjects. Students also learn to become independent as they get used to learning about the topic at home. There are many misconceptions regarding flipped classrooms. These misconceptions are a reason why flipped classrooms are discouraged in general.

These misconceptions need to be cleared to enable a better understanding of flipped classrooms. Let’s look at some of the most common misconceptions regarding flipped classrooms:

1. Flipped Classrooms Are Based On Video Lectures

This is one of the most common misconceptions regarding flipped classrooms. This misconception arose because most flipped classrooms use media presentations. The only reason video lectures and media presentation are used is because students find it easier to learn this way. However, flipping classrooms doesn’t necessarily mean that students have to watch video lectures. A classroom can be flipped by asking students to read a particular topic at home or research on a particular topic of a subject. The aim of a flipped classroom is to encourage the students to study at home and discuss what they have learned in class.

2. Flipped Classrooms Eliminate the Need for Teachers

Flipped classrooms are not an alternative to teachers. Students may study at home using interactive means or books. But they need a teacher to provide guidance to them in class. This is one of the reasons why flipped classrooms have excellent turnarounds. Teachers can spend more time on actually coaching students about the aspects they don’t understand. The learning and lecturing part is received by the students at home.

3. Students Get Disorganized In Flipped Classrooms

Flipped classrooms are thought to make students disorganized. This is because when they are studying at home they have no supervision at all. However, the result of a flipped classroom is quite contrary to this. Flipped classrooms do anything but make students disorganized. In fact students, learn to become more independent. They learn to grasp the concept for various courses on their own. Moreover, if they have any confusion about a topic, the teacher is always there to guide them in class. Students get a sense of responsibility when using flipped classrooms.

4. Students Will Have No Peer Support

Since students do most of the studying at home, it is believed that they won’t have any peer support. On the other hand, there are other students during discussions in class. However, the main concern is peer support at home while studying. But this problem is solved with the help of online forums. Many institutes that have adapted flipped classrooms have online forums where the students can interact. These forums allow the students to post their queries there. The forum is monitored by the teacher who answers any questions the students may have. Moreover, the teacher can also make a note of the common queries and prepare a class discussion accordingly. In addition, these forums enable students to interact with each other to discuss problems they may have.

5. All the Subjects Will Need to Be Flipped

This is one of the major reasons why teachers avoid flipping classrooms. They believe that they alone cannot flip their subject unless the other teachers are doing so as well. However, this is not the case. In fact flipping a classroom can be done with just a single topic as well. The aim is to have the students prepare for the lesson at home and discuss the topic in class.

Now that these misconceptions are cleared, you will know how beneficial flipped classrooms are.

Author Bio :
David Miller is an educational researcher who has vast experience in the field of teaching, Online testing and training. He is associated with prestigious universities and many leading educational research organizations. He’s also an ed-tech veteran, currently pursuing research in new eLearning developments and contributing author with ProProfs.

How to Turn a Static Website Into a WordPress Theme?

Still a number of business owners are running a static HTML website. But when it comes to making changes in the static site, it becomes mandatory for the website owner to have HTML programming knowledge. So, if you lack coding skills you must migrate your static site to a dynamic platform. WordPress is a highly popular dynamic platform and its popularity is not going to abate too soon. You don't have to throw all your HTML and CSS files away when moving to WP platform. Rather you can convert your HTML files to WordPress.

When converting HTML files to Wordpress theme, generally WP default theme named TwentyThirteen is being used. To carry out the conversion you'll need a copy of HTML as well as CSS files for your current site, which will be later converted to WP theme format. There are various choices you get in terms of the program, which is used to make edits in your file. Well, you can choose text-editors such as Notepad and Notepad++ or rather use Dreamweaver instead. For this purpose, you can take up HTML to Wordpress Service.

Here's a step-by-step procedure following which you'll be able to Convert HTML to Wordpress Theme.

Step 1: Creation of Files and Folders

Begin with creating a new folder on your system’s desktop. Next, give a name to the folder. Choosing an easy to remember name won't let you forget where the folder is saved, such as the name of your WPTheme. Once you've named your folder create two files namely style.css and index.php, and add both these files to the newly built folder.

In order to make your WordPress platform recognize the files you've just created, make sure to create a comment block for the style.css file including the information like theme name, URI, a brief description, version, author and author URI.

Later, verify whether the TwentyThirteen theme is set to be your active WP theme or not. Subsequently, in the WP admin panel go to Appearance and then the Editor. Open your style.css file and copy the content from it, and paste it into the newly built style.css file.

Step 2: Create new PHP files

To Convert HTML to Wordpress Theme in the second step you'll need to open WP theme editor, wherein your existing theme will be segregated into different parts – the header, footer, sidebar and main index. You can make use of the same components for building some other WP themed site. For doing so, you'll need to divide the components into different PHP files. Next, all you need to do is to copy of the code of each HTML section and place them in their respective PHP files.

Get logged in your WP admin panel. Open the theme editor followed by the file in which you want to copy the code. For instance, open header.php file of your static website; copy the code and then paste it into the newly crafted header.php file. Follow the same procedure for rest of the files.

Step 3: Use Newly Created PHP files to fetch data

To bring in data from newly crafted PHP files, open the index.php file in your WP theme folder saved on your desktop. Add PHP code to your file top and just after the tag, as show below:

Now you have constructed your own WP theme. But wait! Your theme is developed, but you may find it to be blank. You'll have to add content to it.

Step 4: Add your content

Now you may have to add content in your theme. How will you display the content in your tailor-made WP theme? For this purpose, you require WordPress’ loop function – The Loop.

Installing the loop function, requires copying the following code into your index.php template.

Step 5: Initiate your Theme

To set-up your theme, visit a FTP client and sign in to your website directory.

Go to wp-content>>themes folder.

Upload your new theme folder to this folder. Open your WordPress admin panel, go to Appearance>>themes tab. Your theme will now be visible just click on Activate.

That's it, you are done!

About Author:

Sarah Parker is a developer comes technical writer at Designs2HTML Ltd. She loves to share relevant and useful tutorials on WordPress markup conversions on Twitter to treat technical professionals with required stuffs.

Free Apps That Can Save Your Money

Free Apps That Can Save Your Money

It is estimated that 96% of the world’s population (7.1 billion) or 6.8 billion are mobile users, according to the February 2013 report of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). This represents a 13.3% increase over the 6.0 billion of 2011 and higher by 25.9% than the 5.4 billion subscribers in 2010. There was also an increase on time spent by the average US mobile user from 2 hrs and 38 minutes daily in March of 2013 to 2 hrs and 42 minutes daily as of March of 2014 as reported by Flurry news.

In addition to the huge number of mobile users, there is also the sheer number of mobile applications available on various App stores. From the  iTunes App store alone, downloaded Apps reached50 billion for the Month of May in 2013. And out of the 2 hrs and 42 minutes time spent on mobile devices, 86%of them were spent on downloaded Apps, a clear evidence of how Apps have dominated the mobile world.

In general, mobile Apps are supposed to make life easier. There are business Apps that literally put your business in your pocket. There are also apps that revolutionize learning and Apps for pure pleasure and leisure such as Apps to download music,movies and games, Apps to connect with friends  and more. What adds to the universal acceptance of Apps is the availability of free Apps, some of which make saving money easy.

Let’s look at these money saving free Apps:

* Pic2shop, MySuperList & Idealo

These are barcode readers or scanners that allow you to compare prices of what you need and get them at the cheapest price from a specific retailer. These Apps usually have an extensive database of products from a multitude of local and online retailers.

Pic2Shop is the pioneer barcode scanner and is one of the few Apps that can read barcodes even without autofocus on all Android and iPhone models. Meanwhile, MySuperlist has added features that allow you to enjoy cash backs and set price alerts.

* Spendometer

This is one of the best free mobile Apps for saving money. It’s a brilliant budgeting App that makes daily cash management easy and simple. You can create a budget, input your spending and generate a spending report on it. The Spendometer can also generate the data on how much cash is on hand and how much has already been spent on a weekly or monthly basis. All you need to do is input all your spending and Spendometer will do the rest.

* Skype

Skype save you on phone bills. It is a free App that allows you to send a message or make a call, even a video call for free. You can even send photos of any size to friends, family and associates without paying an exorbitant fee For Multi-Media Messaging Services. And you can do all these wherever you are or whenever you want to as long as there is an Internet connection.

* Livingsocial

Livingsocial offers huge discounts on vacations, gyms, spas, restaurants, live performances and events and more in your area as well as in the whole of Australia. Daily discount deals are available and you can buy directly using your mobile device. You can enjoy an active social life at very little cost with Livingsocial.

We have mentioned a few apps only, there are many apps but they're are all not free of charge. If you know any other apps that will save your money let us know by commenting on this post.

How to Save Money Each Month – 76 Easy Things You Can Do Right Now

What Security Professionals Can Learn From The 5-Year Old Xbox Hacker

What Security Professionals Can Learn From The 5-Year Old Xbox Hacker
Sometimes news of poor security hits and it sends the whole web-o-sphere into panic. Heartbleed was an example of one such story. Other times, one can't help but to get a laugh out of weak security. A story that hit last week worth a laugh involved an Xbox account being hacked not by a teenager with a lot of time on his hands, not by a world class hacker or cyber criminals, but by a five year old kid who wanted to play some games he didn't have access to.

Shortly after Christmas last year, the child's parents caught him playing games on the Xbox that he shouldn't have been able to play, having somehow hacked his father's account to buy any game he pleased.

When asked how he broke into the account, the method used turned out to be... well, kind of ridiculous. He had tried guessing a password to his father's account. When that didn't work, he was taken to a password verification screen where... he hit the space-bar a bunch of times and logged in.

Interestingly, Microsoft actually offers a $10,000 bounty to hackers who can crack their system. Given that this seems to have been more of a fluke than a targeted hack, the family didn't get to reap the rewards, but it's kind of funny that educated, technical-minded hackers looking for backdoors and weak points have nothing on a little kid who really wants to play Minecraft.

Microsoft has fixed the hack, so don't bother trying to score some free games. In the future, a few tips that security professionals might want to keep in mind:
  • Don't Just Rely on Professionals
A professional coder is thinking from a professional perspective. They're not looking for dumb hacks that any five year old kid could employ, they're looking for, well, a challenge. When you put a $10,000 bounty on finding security flaws, hackers are looking for a ten thousand dollar hack.
  • Keep a Five Year Old on the Payroll
Child labor laws probably won't allow this, but rewarding children and casual gamers who can hack the system with free games or whatever prizes are appropriate to your website or gaming service wouldn't be a bad idea. You never know who's going to discover your weak points, so extending bounties to anyone who can find them can help to bring these weaknesses to light in the future.
  • Double Verification Can be Annoying, but Necessary
We might not like typing our credit card number in for every single purchase, but adding an extra security wall after login, at least where money is involved, can help to prevent unauthorized payments, so that even if someone can hack your Xbox Live or Steam account, they won't necessarily be able to make purchases in your name.

"Sometimes security science may seem like it's more, well, art than science," said Jason Hope, tech expert ( "but with a rigorous approach to developing and testing systems for passwords, verification and online signatures, it's not impossible to build a rock-solid security setup." The five year old hacker doesn't get to keep all the games he bought, but if he keeps at it, he may one day land a job as a professional White Hat hacker. Companies like Sony and Facebook are known to hire professional hackers on a part time and full time basis in order to explore their security systems' flaws and offer tips to improve their verification processes.

Fortunately, it doesn't seem as if the hack has been discovered prior to now, as nobody seems to be coming forward with stories of having their accounts hijacked with the spacebar hack. Most of all, the whole affair has just been a little embarrassing for Microsoft, who generally has a better track record than this when it comes to online security.

In the aftermath of this, it's easy to imagine hundreds of gamers trying similar hacks on the PlayStation Network, Steam and Xbox Live in hopes of scoring a bounty, or at least a few games.

How To Fix Bad Image Quality in Blogger

How To Fix Bad Image Quality in Blogger

I have been with this issue for a longtime but I never minded it, I thought Google automatically compress the images that are being uploaded to picasa web album via blogger and images from Google plus. This is something we do not notice or we don't care but it looks really ugly when some cover images are in bad quality.

So fixing is not big deal, all you got to do is make sure you are logged into your Google account that you use Blogger, then go to your Google + profile( example : +Mohamed Shimran ) from the left sidebar menu select settings , in settings page scroll down until you reach Photos and Videos :

How To Fix Bad Image Quality in Blogger

Now you can see a sub section name Auto Enhance, that's the option/feature that reduces your image quality. In default it is set to Normal so just tick off then your changes will be saved automatically.

How To Fix Bad Image Quality in Blogger

Congratulations, now your problem has been solved. Please leave your comments and share this useful article on your social networks.

How to Send a Fax the Oldschool Way

How to Send a Fax the Oldschool Way
There are a few daily tasks at work that most of us try to avoid like the plague. One of the biggest offenders is the dreaded fax machine. What should be simple, is always an endless nightmare.

Well no worries! This sarcastic infographic takes you step by step through the grueling task of fighting with the fax machine just to send a measly signature form to a client a few cities over, poking fun at all of the headaches that occur along the way. From unhelpful tech support to paper jams and exploding toner, we’ve seen it all when it comes to conventional fax.

Luckily, step number five will finally give you all the answers you’ve been looking for - the online fax. In this final step you will do away with the bulky equipment, limiting landlines, and endless paper cuts, and switch over to the simple yet ever so effective online fax.

This infographic is brought to you by

Tread Carefully When Choosing A Content Management Solution For Your Business

Tread Carefully When Choosing A Content Management Solution For Your Business

Planning a company’s website strategy can be a tough. If you’re trying to decide on a content management system as the foundation to your organisation’s online presence, you’ve probably trawled through many possible options.

So what features are important? What CMS is right for your needs? Here’s some ideas to point you in the right direction:

What Are Your Goals?
How much content are you going to be publishing? What is the strategy for getting that content in front of your potential customers? If you’re leaving publication in the hands of your staff, then you need to consider ease of use. If you’re employing an outside company to help you, you need to consider the industry standard options. Once you’ve picked a CMS, you’re going to find it a real headache to change course if the feature set doesn’t allow for future expansion, or doesn’t offer the ease of use you require from day one.

Decide On A Budget
Open source software will offer huge savings over a proprietary system. You’ll have a wider range of customisation options and the opportunity to tailor every detail to your own needs. Open source solutions like Wordpress also allow you to tap into a huge pool of developer options, as this type of open source solution is hugely popular with a massive user base. On the flip side, a paid-for enterprise solution will likely be less customisable and cost more in terms of both monthly outlay and technical development, but will come with very strong security features and dedicated support staff for more complex applications.

Check Out The Competition
If large corporate organisations are using a particular CMS with a high frequency, it’s a good sign it’s a safe option. You need to know that your solution will be supported for years to come and that it has an active user base, or you could be left in the dark if it falls out of favour with developers and designers.

Behind The Scenes
Before you dive in and sign up for a CMS, you need to understand that the hosting required may differ in terms of software requirements and ease of set up. Not every CMS will work with every type of programming language, especially where databases are concerned. You need to make some investigations about this before you enter into a long contract with your hosting company.

Can You Use The CMS For Marketing Campaigns?
CMS systems from companies like Siteglide feature complex and comprehensive tools for managing your marketing campaigns. For more information please refer to : If you need the ability to send emails, monitor your results and manage secure areas and ecommerce, then you might be better signing up for a paid-for, enterprise style service.

Can You Migrate?
It shouldn’t be a huge issue, but it’s worth making some checks to determine if your current content can be easily migrated and organised on the new CMS. This could be a potential headache that leaves you with unacceptable amounts of downtime and chaos.

Choosing a CMS for your business is a process that requires some careful planning and consideration. Check the competition, weigh up the available options, and only make a decision after you’ve checked out all of the options.

Wendy Lin is a freelance writer who specialises in guest blogging. She is a CIO of 2 businesses and is also a watercolour painter.

How Big Is The World In Pixels?

How Big Is The World In Pixels?

Everything we see around us is made up of thousands or even millions of pixels. Every pixel has its own address and is represented by tiny dots or squares of color.

The word pixel, which is short for picture element, is commonly thought to be the smallest component of a digital image. This is why camera quality is often measured in megapixels, or how many millions of pixels are in every photo the camera shoots. Together, the pixels make an original image and are the smallest component of a digital image. In fact, the very screen you are reading this on uses pixels to display this very sentence!

Have you ever wondered how many pixels high the Empire State Building is? How wide is the average billboard in pixels? How long is your toothbrush in pixels? How tall is the average man in pixels? This fun and informative infographic is sure to entertain the geek inside of you!

Infographic by :

Top 10 Best Virtual Life Games Like 'The Sims'

Top 10 Best Virtual Life Games Like 'The Sims'
Did you enjoy “The SIMS”, but now looking for a new adventure wherein you can nurture and develop your own collection of virtual life forms?

No problem, check out our top ten list of virtual life games like the “The SIMS.”

1. Second Life
Second Life sees you establish a character or “resident” in an alternate reality and embark on a journey of self-discovery and role playing that brings with it limitless opportunity for creativity.

The game has its own economy centered on the Linden dollar (L$), and allows players to create and subsequently sell their own content through the use of an integrated 3D modeling tool.

L$ can even be converted in USD at a variable exchange rate, allowing truly committed players to actually make a small amount of money by playing the game.


IMVU is essentially a massive social interactive site that allows users to create their own 3D avatar with their friends.

Multiple languages are supported allowing people from all over the world to chat in safety, as the site imposes controls and restrictions on interactions based on the players’ ages.

Again, you can create your own content within the game and sell it for IMVU credits, adding an economic aspect to the game as well.

3. Animal Crossing: City Folk
This game sees you take control of a 3D avatar and explore a digital world fully packed with real life activity simulations from bug catching to fossil collecting.

You can also decorate and improve your own home or visit the city to enjoy the theater or pamper your character.

If you log in at the right time you can also join in with real world celebrations like Easter or Christmas.

4. Desperate Housewives: The Game
A perfect crossover between The SIMS and the popular Desperate Housewives TV show, this game sees you take control of your character’s visual appearance and solve a number of mysteries / quests using tact, charm and intuition.

Adult themes are kept to a minimum such that younger gamers can enjoy the game as well.

5. Suburbia

Very clearly inspired by The SIMs, Suburbia is a Facebook game that sees you take control of a 2D individual and pilot him or her through the process of getting a job, improving their home and generally establishing a pleasant life.

A good balance must be struck between leisure and ambition, making for a well-rounded, engaging experience.

6. Virtual Families 2: Our Dream House
This game sees you adopt a tiny 2D character along with his or her family, and set about establishing an enjoyable, yet affordable and constructive existence for them.

Recreational expenditures must be balanced against the need to save for house repairs and general maintenance expenditures, giving an accurate reflection of real life priorities.

7. A World of Keflings
A World of Keflings sees you guide and develop a small clan of enthusiastic but tragically misguided and clueless little creatures through the processes of resource gathering and construction of living quarters.

The ultimate aim is to bring about the construction of a magnificent castle in which they can live and work safely, but along the way your little minions must acquire the right skill sets and raw materials, which takes time and effort.

8. SmallWorlds
This is another game that seeks to integrate the realms of social interaction and personal development / exploration. You control your own avatar and through the completion of various missions / quests, can boost her / his various attributes, but at the same time you can interact with other players and enjoy YouTube videos and /or Flickr photos.

9. Virtual Villagers (Series)
Your people flee their homes in the wake of a huge volcanic eruption that destroys them. Now you are tasked with helping them re-establish their way of life in a harsh, unforgiving island environment.

It’s up to you to strike a balance between developing the tribe’s housing, food and technology and combating the effects of various sicknesses / diseases, making for an engaging and rewarding challenge.

10. Disney City Girl
Quite obviously tailored towards a female gaming audience, this game sees you take control of an aspiring Fashionista and guide her from humble beginnings in a dingy basement to achieving dreams of stardom in New York City.

This is a great way to experiment with new looks and develop your own unique style without spending hundreds of dollars on real life clothes!

Are you excited to try any of these virtual life games like “The Sims? 

Let us know if you're using any of the games we have mentioned.

I Forgot How To Instagram, a witty guide to Instagram?

I Forgot How To Instagram, a witty guide to Instagram?
New to Instagram? Have been using Instagram but suddenly forgot how to navigate completely as though you just woke up from a coma and had to relearn how to eat, talk, and Instagram? By now you've probably figured out that Instagram is a photo and video sharing social media site that a large amount of users are on. The second thing you have probably figured out is that you want to be a part of Instagram. That's no problem at all! Don't worry about a thing if you've forgotten how to Instagram. We're going to show you everything you need to know to get back on your feet and posting and scrolling through your favorite shots again so you can join the millions of users happily posting and viewing photos. Or you can check out A Beginner’s Guide To Instagram for more tips and info!

Sign Up For The Site
The first step to using any site is signing up for it so you can use it. Download the app to your smart phone whether iPhone or Android and get started registering your Instagram account. All accounts registered to the site are public when they start but you can change your account to private where only users that have been approved can follow you or view your photos. Go to the tab for "Profile" and click on Privacy, where you can keep photos private. Register your profile, edit your profile, and change your profile picture, and you're ready to get started!

Enable Push Notifications
Instagram offers its photo feed through apps instead of web so you may want to set up push notifications. You can set up notifications that alert you when someone comments or likes your photo, when you are mentioned in a comment, when your photo is on the Popular page, and when you are tagged in a photo. Go to Settings from your profile and select Push Notification Settings. You can configure preferences for the app by going to Settings and going to the Notification Center and find Instagram.

Connecting To Social Accounts
Instagram can also be connected to your social accounts. It's possible to link up your Instagram to not only Twitter but Tumblr, Facebook, Foursquare, Tumblr, Flickr, and more. Go to Edit Sharing Settings in the Profile Tab to connect your social accounts and choose the network you want to connect it to. This way every time you post a photo you'll be able to share it on the networks you've enabled.

Posting Your Own Photos On Instagram

One of the great advantages of Instagram is that you can add a digital layer or photo filter over a standard photograph to give it a different look or just a polished, edited version. Filters can dull or brighten colors in the photo or go black and white or give it a sepia hued vintage feel. Click the button with the blue camera in the navigation panel's center and you can choose to take a photo or used an already saved one. For video, choose the Video Camera option to the right. In the lower left screen click the double-square button to post saved photos. Full size photos may have to be cropped. Three icons will appear that offer you 17 filters to add programmed effects to your photograph. Choose the best one for you and once you're done, click the green checkmark. You'll go the social sharing screen where you can add a caption, add hashtags and tag people. Choose the networks you want to share to and click Share Post and you have uploaded your first photo to Instagram! Enjoy your new found knowledge of Instagram and all the glorious photo sharing that comes with it!


You must know that you can view, comment, like and follow others in Instagram's official website. You can also try some other web apps like statigram and webstagram, they have some useful sorting features and they provide free stats everyday.

Which Phone To Buy? The HTC One M8 Or The IPhone 5S?

Which Phone To Buy? The HTC One M8 Or The IPhone 5S?
Once upon a time, the choice between Android phones and Apple’s flagship product were clear cut: If you wanted a well made premium phone, you chose Apple.

That sounds harsh, and whilst Android fans have constantly pointed to the greater openness and customisation options of Google’s OS, the truth was that really good, well finished phones didn’t really exist. Sure, you could find something powerful, but there were few handsets that came anywhere near the build quality of an iPhone.

That’s started to change in recent years, and arguably the nicest looking Android phone of late was the the HTC One. This year, its replacement, the HTC M8 is good enough to directly challenge Apple’s iPhone 5C. Which is the best though?

The Outside Specs
Both phones are available in only 3 colours. These colours are all relatively similar. In addition, the bodies are both machined from metal. The comparison ends there though, and the iPhone is much smaller and lighter than the HTC M8, in the main, due to the iPhone’s much smaller screen size.

That’s not a criticism of either phone. It just depends on your preferences. Android is going large screen crazy, and for now at least, the iPhone is the handset for those who want to keep their device to a more one-handed, pocketable design.

If you ignore the size differences, these two phones are equally well made, although slightly different in design. The HTC is curvy and smooth, whilst the iPhone is angular and sharp.

The smartphone war of specs has meant that in reality, once you start paying the top prices for a handset, the hardware is all so similar that it feels exactly the same in operation. You could argue all day about which phone is more powerful, but to be honest, both of these phones are as good as it gets in terms of cutting edge technology.

Even their screens are similar in quality, except for the fact that if you want to watch movies and play games, the HTC has a huge size advantage ver the iPhone. another HTC win comes in the Micro SD card slot, which means you can quickly and cheaply upgrade the phone’s storage capacity.

This could be a deal breaker in itself when you consider a pay-as-you-go iPhone with 64GB of internal memory costs a staggering £700! A micro SD card of similar volume will only cost a few month’s worth of iPhone insurance premiums in comparison.

When it comes to the camera, the iPhone is the clear winner. It’s better in daylight, low light and everything in between. The HTC does have some interesting effects though, and it’s a novel implementation of a smartphone camera.

The HTC does have a much larger battery than the iPhone, but it’s also a more power hungry phone to run. Expect both handsets to last an equal length of time.

Which Should You Buy?
If you watch movies or play games, the HTC is the better choice. The iPhone is quite overpriced for its size, despite packing in similar hardware specs. If you’re keen on keeping your phone size down, and you take a lot of photos, the iPhone is the better handset. Either way, you won’t be disappointed with either of these amazing smartphones.

Wendy Lin is a guest blogger and entrepreneur. She has spoken at many women's rights conferences and "women in the workplace" events.

How To Install WeChat on iPhone 3G [iOS 4.1 / iOS 4.2.1]

How To Install WeChat on iPhone 3G [iOS 4.1 / iOS 4.2.1]

If you go to AppStore and search for WeChat you won't be able to install WeChat on your iPhone 3G, I found an supporting version for iPhone 3G. In order to install WeChat from your computer download iTools or iFunBox( I recommend iFunBox ). Download WeChat from this link, It's a .rar so extract the ipa file into your desktop or somewhere else and make sure you have connected your iPhone 3g to your computer..

If you have downloaded iTools then run it, in Library tab click on Application sub tab. Now click add and select the ipa file you just extracted from the .rar file you downloaded.

iTools 2013 - WeChat

Then click install, it will take about 2-3 minutes to install. If we chat was installed successfully the blue color button Install would be yellow in color and the text would be Installed.

iTools 2013 - iPhone 3G - WeChat - iOS 4.1
if you have downloaded iFunBox, go to iFunBox Classic under connected devices you can see your iDevice, click User Applications then inside the User Applications right click and select Install or click on Install from the button you see on the top and select the ipa file you just extracted from the .rar you downloaded.

iFunBox - User Applications - Install - WeChat - iPhone 3G
It will begin installing(you will be shown a progressbar and the value is set for installation process). After the installation you will be shown a page where you can make sure the app was installed or not.

iFunBox - Installation - Successful - Failed

So after installing it, you will find it on your App menu.

iPhone 3G - App Menu - WeChat

So go ahead and launch it, if you already have an account you can just log in and if you don't you can sign up.

iPhone 3G - App Menu - WeChat

That's it. Now you have WeChat on your iPhone 3G. This WeChat version works on all devices that runs iOS 3.0 +. Please share this on your social networks and helps others.

Guest Blogging Vs. Article Marketing: The Contest Heats Up

Guest Blogging Vs. Article Marketing: The Contest Heats Up

Internet searchers channel out all articles holding copied substance. Most article indexes characteristic posts that have been distributed on handfuls and even many different locales. Along these lines, the substance distributed in article catalogues is not exceptional. Then again, guest blogging includes composing a totally extraordinary post for another person site or website. Provided that you distribute your article on a trustworthy website, you will get several quality backlinks.

About Guest Blogging and Article Marketing
Both procedures include composing substance that will be posted on another person site. Despite what system you utilize, you will be permitted to embed a connection to your site into the asset box. In the vicinity of 99% of the locales and writes that permit guest posts won't permit an article that has been distributed someplace else some time recently. The coming of programmed tameness programming has made many spamming catalogues with in excess of six billion duplicates of a revamped article. Guest blogging has far less spamming.

A portion of the fundamental profits of article marketing are:
  • Free publicizing 
  • Increased activity 
  • Online systems administration and introduction 
  • Relevant backlinks 
  • Link prominence
Quality articles that get grabbed from registries and republished on different sites can carry you relentless activity and increment the amount of connections indicating your site. Guest blogging has very nearly the same profits as article marketing. Some SEO specialists accept that guest posting creates higher quality interfaces than article accommodation. Furthermore, guest posting can help you build validity online and get new bookworms for your website or site.

The competition: going on for since the dawn of the internet
Throughout the last couple of years, the adequacy of article indexes has diminished because of copy substance. Numerous webmasters submit low quality articles just for getting a backlink. When you offer to compose a guest post, the web journal manager will oblige you to give high calibre content. This third party referencing strategy can help you get focused on movement and subscribers, secure yourself as a compelling voice in your corner, and pick up presentation on the Internet.

Guest posting pounds article marketing hands. While both routines work, guest blogging is an improved method for building pertinent connections and advertising your online business. In the event that you need quicker brings about terms of SEO, you can utilize different methodologies within expansion to guest posting. Everything comes to what amount of time you are ready to contribute commercial how hard you are ready to work.

Getting more individuals to read your sites or your articles are evidences that you are well known in the field that you are in. Prevalence can accelerate more movement and therefore your site's prosperity.

There are clashing thoughts on which can get you more famous, yet you could make certain that doing both you can truly realize this. Blogging and article marketing can give you more excellent arrive at and all the more well known in the specialty market you are in.

In article marketing, the catalogues you are submitting your articles to, regularly won't permit pictures or steer connections to different destinations. You can influence your article substance from your articles to the websites you posted and you might see much more stupendous effects. Investigating on web journals in your specialty can give you more thoughts for substance in your articles.

Harold J is a professional guest blogger. He loves to write tips and tricks on how to write guest post to get better search engine ranking.

A Look At The HostGator Web Hosting Service

A Look At The HostGator Web Hosting Service

The HostGator web hosting company has a reputation within the industry for providing best hosting services. It has specialized in reseller and budget products that enable the operatives to increase the profitability of their businesses. The organization was started in 2002 and was primarily based in Dallas within Texas, USA. Their hosting is undertaken primarily from the jurisdiction but they have an international perspective. The support network is particularly effective and they offer different options for their clients. Their reputation within the industry is virtually unmatched. Nevertheless you have to be prepared to pay that little bit extra in order to get the service. 

The Site Builder is a great bit of help to the users who are not experienced in the more technical aspects of their work. According to an Independent Review Panel, this was as good as it gets in terms of budget hosting.

Services: The HostGator web hosting service enables the client to transfer lots of data within the month. The support network is provided on a 24/7 basis and there are multiple channels for the purposes of communication. A strong network means that this service can help even larger businesses to improve their competitiveness. If you want to make use of the site builder then you have to pay a bit more. It uses the Red Hat Linux 9 platform which is great for handling large volume transactions. There is a stepped series of categorized services that start at Budget. They then move on to Dedicated Servers and Reseller products. You will not be short of web space if you decide to use this product. The critical elements in the delivery include template designs, an ENOM domain reseller account and WHM Auto-Pilot billing managers. There are no restrictions on the amounts of principal domains and subdomains that you can use.

The MySQL database is expansive. It perfectly complements the CRON, PHP 4.3.1 service as well as the Curl facilities. There is the GD. Spam Assassin which is useful if you want to control the amount of communication which is available to you. Finally you get RV-Skin and Fantastico perks. A C-Panel is used to control the operations of your business. The action list includes the DOT Project, Master Flex, PHP-Auction and Nucleus. You also get the OS-Ticket and the Coppermine Photo Gallery. A multi-language platform improves the international credentials of this product. You get a multi-theme skin management software package which is particularly effective. The customization model improves the usefulness of system. The usage policy is somewhat restrictive. For example you are required to pay an extra $2 in order to gain access to the site builder. That figure is attached to every single website. However a non-reselling account can use this service for free. The confusion is not helpful.

Pros: We love the email ticket service. Other communication perks include the instant messenger and toll free phone service. The members of the team are very conversant with the technical details.

Cons: There is absolutely no reason why anyone should pay extra in order to enjoy the privilege of the site builder. The company has lost a step in terms of giving flexibility to consumers.

Rating: The HostGator web hosting service gets 4 stars out of 5. They could get more if there is a coherent pricing strategy.

Jonathan Griffin is the editor of Best Host News, a site dedicated to reporting on web hosting related consumer news. He is particularly keen to provide a place where people can find honest and up to date information on hosting providers.

Microsoft's year of change

Microsoft's 2014 changes

On Feb 04, 2014, Satya Nadella was appointed as the new CEO of Microsoft, changing the future direction of Microsoft. The organization had to change, the technology industry itself changes everyday, technology is upgrade, reinvented or simply created from scratch. If an organisation is to thrive in the field of technology, it must adapt and most importantly, it must innovate staying constantly ahead of all it's competitors.

Microsoft's past success has been built on that ability to innovate. For 30 years they have led the creation of new technology, creating products that met consumer demand. Their technology facilitated better business, a trait that has seen them corner the enterprise technology market. That innovation is core to Nadella's appointment and is crucial for Microsoft as the company enters the next chapter in product innovation and growth. The forseeable future of technology will be cloud led, putting Microsoft in a strong position. Nadella was ultimately responsible for the companies strategic and technical shift to cloud, overseeing the development of one of the worlds largest cloud infrastructures, Windows Azure.

The future for Microsoft looks exciting, if not yet certain, but before we dream of flying DeLoreans and robot butlers, lets take a closer look at that past history that has taken Microsoft to where they stand today. Using the follow infographic developed by Firebrand Training, let us go on a whistle-stop tour looking at the history of Microsoft Technology. Take a look at the first desktop operating system, discover email management products you didn't know existed, and puzzle at what exactly a relation database management product is.

This article was written by , Technical Writer for Firebrand Training. Edward is tasked with servicing the information needs of the technology industry, and spends his days writing how-to guides, news and opinion articles.

4 Ways to Become a Plagiarist and Only One How to Avoid it

Today, in the digital era, becomes a victim of plagiarism is not worth nothing, and even easier to become a plagiarist, even though this. So there are a few steps to become a great plagiarist:

1 - using the “copy-paste” method of writing.
2 – borrowing other’s person material and rewrite it.
3 - submitting someone’s work as your own.
4 - downloading already made articles from internet.

As you can see, it’s quite easy to make a career of a plagiarist. You don’t need to have any special skills or take special courses, all what you need: internet, a bit of impudence and unwillingness to work by your own. But, actually nowadays plagiarism is a huge problem, it has firmly entrenched in almost every sphere of life in our modern society. This phenomenon spreads more and more and, there are not so many ways to solve this problem.

Original Quality

Struggle against plagiarism started long ago, but there are only a few methods, which proved the effectiveness. One of them is online checker of plagiarism. Actually there are many special web-sites, where you can check your article on plagiarism, for example – service which was made to verify the originality. It is fairly easy to use, just copy your text and paste it, and you will see the level of similarity. If it’s high (it will be high, if you use one of the fourth method which we have spoken before), you need to rewrite your text to decrease this level. Actually such programs are the only who can struggle against plagiarism. So if you don’t want to become a victim of plagiarism - сheck all the texts that you work with using this sites.

Written by Emily Dawson, the philologist. She has spent the greater part of her career in learning and researching, loves to share the knowledge.