4 Ways to Become a Plagiarist and Only One How to Avoid it

Today, in the digital era, becomes a victim of plagiarism is not worth nothing, and even easier to become a plagiarist, even though this. So there are a few steps to become a great plagiarist:

1 - using the “copy-paste” method of writing.
2 – borrowing other’s person material and rewrite it.
3 - submitting someone’s work as your own.
4 - downloading already made articles from internet.

As you can see, it’s quite easy to make a career of a plagiarist. You don’t need to have any special skills or take special courses, all what you need: internet, a bit of impudence and unwillingness to work by your own. But, actually nowadays plagiarism is a huge problem, it has firmly entrenched in almost every sphere of life in our modern society. This phenomenon spreads more and more and, there are not so many ways to solve this problem.

Original Quality

Struggle against plagiarism started long ago, but there are only a few methods, which proved the effectiveness. One of them is online checker of plagiarism. Actually there are many special web-sites, where you can check your article on plagiarism, for example contentplagiarismchecker.com – service which was made to verify the originality. It is fairly easy to use, just copy your text and paste it, and you will see the level of similarity. If it’s high (it will be high, if you use one of the fourth method which we have spoken before), you need to rewrite your text to decrease this level. Actually such programs are the only who can struggle against plagiarism. So if you don’t want to become a victim of plagiarism - сheck all the texts that you work with using this sites.

Written by Emily Dawson, the philologist. She has spent the greater part of her career in learning and researching, loves to share the knowledge.

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