I Forgot How To Instagram, a witty guide to Instagram?

I Forgot How To Instagram, a witty guide to Instagram?
New to Instagram? Have been using Instagram but suddenly forgot how to navigate completely as though you just woke up from a coma and had to relearn how to eat, talk, and Instagram? By now you've probably figured out that Instagram is a photo and video sharing social media site that a large amount of users are on. The second thing you have probably figured out is that you want to be a part of Instagram. That's no problem at all! Don't worry about a thing if you've forgotten how to Instagram. We're going to show you everything you need to know to get back on your feet and posting and scrolling through your favorite shots again so you can join the millions of users happily posting and viewing photos. Or you can check out A Beginner’s Guide To Instagram for more tips and info!

Sign Up For The Site
The first step to using any site is signing up for it so you can use it. Download the app to your smart phone whether iPhone or Android and get started registering your Instagram account. All accounts registered to the site are public when they start but you can change your account to private where only users that have been approved can follow you or view your photos. Go to the tab for "Profile" and click on Privacy, where you can keep photos private. Register your profile, edit your profile, and change your profile picture, and you're ready to get started!

Enable Push Notifications
Instagram offers its photo feed through apps instead of web so you may want to set up push notifications. You can set up notifications that alert you when someone comments or likes your photo, when you are mentioned in a comment, when your photo is on the Popular page, and when you are tagged in a photo. Go to Settings from your profile and select Push Notification Settings. You can configure preferences for the app by going to Settings and going to the Notification Center and find Instagram.

Connecting To Social Accounts
Instagram can also be connected to your social accounts. It's possible to link up your Instagram to not only Twitter but Tumblr, Facebook, Foursquare, Tumblr, Flickr, and more. Go to Edit Sharing Settings in the Profile Tab to connect your social accounts and choose the network you want to connect it to. This way every time you post a photo you'll be able to share it on the networks you've enabled.

Posting Your Own Photos On Instagram

One of the great advantages of Instagram is that you can add a digital layer or photo filter over a standard photograph to give it a different look or just a polished, edited version. Filters can dull or brighten colors in the photo or go black and white or give it a sepia hued vintage feel. Click the button with the blue camera in the navigation panel's center and you can choose to take a photo or used an already saved one. For video, choose the Video Camera option to the right. In the lower left screen click the double-square button to post saved photos. Full size photos may have to be cropped. Three icons will appear that offer you 17 filters to add programmed effects to your photograph. Choose the best one for you and once you're done, click the green checkmark. You'll go the social sharing screen where you can add a caption, add hashtags and tag people. Choose the networks you want to share to and click Share Post and you have uploaded your first photo to Instagram! Enjoy your new found knowledge of Instagram and all the glorious photo sharing that comes with it!


You must know that you can view, comment, like and follow others in Instagram's official website. You can also try some other web apps like statigram and webstagram, they have some useful sorting features and they provide free stats everyday.

Instagram Launches Direct Messaging Service

 Instagram Launches Direct Messaging Service #InstagramDirect
Instagram launches a new feature called Instagram Direct, with that you can send pictures/videos to your friends individually.

Today, we’re excited to bring you Instagram Direct, a new way to send photo and video messages to friends.
How To Use It?

First Take a picture/video > apply filter if you want > once you're up to share screen you will see something like a tab page called "Direct" at the top.

When you select "Direct" it'll take you to Direct-user interface where you can add people you would like to share your picture/video. You must be following the person you want to share the picture/video with.

When you're done with it, tap on the green button at the top.

Watch Instagram’s co-founder Kevin Systrom Announcing Instagram Direct

Read Instagram's offcial blog post about Instagram Direct

How To Login To Instagram Using The API In VB.NET

instagram picture
Instagram is a photo and video sharing app for smartphones, we can call it a social network. As I said It's a smartphone app but you can view photos, like photos, comment on photos and follow/unfollow users via their website from computer also there are more than 10 popular websites where you can view photos, like photos, comment on photos and follow/unfollow users, browse hashtags and view stats they use the API to do the works.

Without much talk let's get into it..

Remember you're just going to make a Instagram Login, you won't be able to view photos or do anything. You need two textbox and a button you can also add two labels to make it look good. The textbox1 is for username and textbox2 is for password.

Instagram Login form preview

Time for some codes...

Required Namespaces :
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Net
Imports System.Text

Functions(We need two functions) :
 Dim CC As New CookieContainer
    Dim RQ As HttpWebRequest
    Dim RP As HttpWebResponse
    Public Function GetResponse(ByVal url As String, ByVal referer As String) As String
        RQ = CType(HttpWebRequest.Create(url), HttpWebRequest)
        RQ.CookieContainer = CC

        If referer <> "" Then
            RQ.Referer = referer
        End If

        RP = CType(RQ.GetResponse(), HttpWebResponse)

        Return New StreamReader(RP.GetResponseStream()).ReadToEnd()
    End Function

    Public Function GetResponse(ByVal url As String, ByVal post As String, ByVal referer As String) As String
        RQ = CType(HttpWebRequest.Create(url), HttpWebRequest)
        RQ.Method = "POST"
        RQ.CookieContainer = CC
        RQ.UserAgent = "AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) Chrome/28.0.1468.0 Safari/537.36"

        If referer <> "" Then
            RQ.Referer = referer
        End If

        Dim byteArr() As Byte = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(post)
        RQ.ContentLength = byteArr.Length

        Dim dataStream As Stream = RQ.GetRequestStream()
        dataStream.Write(byteArr, 0, byteArr.Length)

        RP = CType(RQ.GetResponse(), HttpWebResponse)

        Return New StreamReader(RP.GetResponseStream()).ReadToEnd()
    End Function

This code is for your login button :
Dim html As String = GetResponse("https://instagram.com/accounts/login/", "")
        Dim token As String = html.Substring(html.IndexOf("csrfmiddlewaretoken")).Split(""""c)(2)
        Dim username As String = TextBox1.Text
        Dim password As String = TextBox2.Text

        Dim S_B As New StringBuilder
        S_B.Append("csrfmiddlewaretoken=" & token)
        S_B.Append("&username=" & username)
        S_B.Append("&password=" & password)

        html = GetResponse("https://instagram.com/accounts/login/", S_B.ToString, "https://instagram.com/accounts/login/")

        If html.Contains("""username"":""" & username) Then
            MsgBox("Successfully Logged In", MessageBoxIcon.Information)
        ElseIf html.Contains("Please enter a correct username and password.") Then
            MsgBox("Invalid Username or Password", MessageBoxIcon.Error)
            MsgBox("Unable Login Error", MessageBoxIcon.Error)
        End If

Now run the program and test it..

If you enter correct login credentials you will get this message :

How To Login To Instagram Using The API In VB.NET

I am looking to develop a Instagram picture view if everything goes well I will let you all know. Follow me on Instagram @54j33dh4.