I Forgot How To Instagram, a witty guide to Instagram?

I Forgot How To Instagram, a witty guide to Instagram?
New to Instagram? Have been using Instagram but suddenly forgot how to navigate completely as though you just woke up from a coma and had to relearn how to eat, talk, and Instagram? By now you've probably figured out that Instagram is a photo and video sharing social media site that a large amount of users are on. The second thing you have probably figured out is that you want to be a part of Instagram. That's no problem at all! Don't worry about a thing if you've forgotten how to Instagram. We're going to show you everything you need to know to get back on your feet and posting and scrolling through your favorite shots again so you can join the millions of users happily posting and viewing photos. Or you can check out A Beginner’s Guide To Instagram for more tips and info!

Sign Up For The Site
The first step to using any site is signing up for it so you can use it. Download the app to your smart phone whether iPhone or Android and get started registering your Instagram account. All accounts registered to the site are public when they start but you can change your account to private where only users that have been approved can follow you or view your photos. Go to the tab for "Profile" and click on Privacy, where you can keep photos private. Register your profile, edit your profile, and change your profile picture, and you're ready to get started!

Enable Push Notifications
Instagram offers its photo feed through apps instead of web so you may want to set up push notifications. You can set up notifications that alert you when someone comments or likes your photo, when you are mentioned in a comment, when your photo is on the Popular page, and when you are tagged in a photo. Go to Settings from your profile and select Push Notification Settings. You can configure preferences for the app by going to Settings and going to the Notification Center and find Instagram.

Connecting To Social Accounts
Instagram can also be connected to your social accounts. It's possible to link up your Instagram to not only Twitter but Tumblr, Facebook, Foursquare, Tumblr, Flickr, and more. Go to Edit Sharing Settings in the Profile Tab to connect your social accounts and choose the network you want to connect it to. This way every time you post a photo you'll be able to share it on the networks you've enabled.

Posting Your Own Photos On Instagram

One of the great advantages of Instagram is that you can add a digital layer or photo filter over a standard photograph to give it a different look or just a polished, edited version. Filters can dull or brighten colors in the photo or go black and white or give it a sepia hued vintage feel. Click the button with the blue camera in the navigation panel's center and you can choose to take a photo or used an already saved one. For video, choose the Video Camera option to the right. In the lower left screen click the double-square button to post saved photos. Full size photos may have to be cropped. Three icons will appear that offer you 17 filters to add programmed effects to your photograph. Choose the best one for you and once you're done, click the green checkmark. You'll go the social sharing screen where you can add a caption, add hashtags and tag people. Choose the networks you want to share to and click Share Post and you have uploaded your first photo to Instagram! Enjoy your new found knowledge of Instagram and all the glorious photo sharing that comes with it!


You must know that you can view, comment, like and follow others in Instagram's official website. You can also try some other web apps like statigram and webstagram, they have some useful sorting features and they provide free stats everyday.

5 Steps To Marketing Your Law Blog

5 Steps To Marketing Your Law Blog Even if you are not an ardent internet user, you don’t have to be told that blogging is one of the most effective ways to market your law firm today. You may not enjoy blogging as much as some others do, but it is absolutely necessary for you to ensure that you have an active blog if you want to get your firm’s name out there.

A common mistake made by legal professionals is underestimating the whole blogging process. Here are a few tips on how to effectively develop and market your blog:

Decide your approach:
Before you start your law blog, you should decide on what type of approach you’d like to use for your blog. Do you want to write about law in general or would you prefer to write about a specific area of law? If you are a law firm specializing in a particular field of law, then you should concentrate your efforts in providing information in this field. This will establish you as a professional in this area and you will attract a specific niche of readers interested in this area of law.

Professional or do it yourself
Your next task is to determine if you would like to hire a professional to provide you with articles for your law blog or you’d prefer to write the articles yourself. Hiring a professional will mean that you get professionally done articles at regular intervals. Your blog will therefore have fresh content every so often. Writing the articles yourself will mean that you can share your own personal experiences and therefore give the blog an even more personal touch. You can also opt to combine the two. Have some articles done professionally and provide some of your own personal articles for the blog. You’ll therefore always have fresh information on your blog and keep your readers hooked.

Linking your blog:
Link your blog to your law firm’s website and other social networking accounts. Ensure that updates are provided on these accounts whenever you post new information on your blog. Ask your friends and family to connect to your social networking accounts so that they can get updates as well. You can also request them to share any interesting information from your blog on their social networks. This is a great way to get your law firm’s name out there.

Submitting to directories:
Submit your blog to a blog directory. There are countless directories to which you can submit your blog and get it out there. It is best to submit the blog to a law specific directory such as blawg.com. However, even general directories have law specific categories that your blog will be placed under. Simply ensure that you submit to popular directories that have high ratings with internet users.

Connecting with other bloggers:
Connect with other law bloggers and comment on their blogs. This is a great way to get recognition as an expert. Be sure to include a link to your blog in your signature. Those reading your comments may be curious to find out more about you and your law firm and follow the links that you provide. Marketing your blog is equal to marketing your firm. Invest the resources required to get the best out of blogging.

Melissa Trowbridge is marekting professional from Atlanta, Georgia. She specializes in promotions for law firms and legal services companies.

A Guide To Online Success

A Guide To Online Success
Being successful online is sort of a skill in itself. There is so much competition nowadays that it is becoming progressively difficult to separate yourself from the pack. You have got to be proactive and have a grasp of both the market and your own company strengths. If you have this then you will be able to target the correct market and thus make money from what you offer. In addition to the traditional method of creating a website, there are other ways to promote such as social media and emailing. All of these must be explored as well as optimizing your website and securing a strong and memory filled domain in order to ensure that that your site is fully efficient and functional. This article will highlight what it takes to be successful online and how there are many options that need to be covered in order for this to be the case.

A Well Designed Website

This is of pivotal importance, your website has to be well designed, clear for the user and must work efficiently. To many this seems plainly obvious but there are so many companies out there who create websites for the sake of creating one rather than as a credible way of increasing the prominence and success of their company.
We live in a world dominated by the internet and thus it is increasingly important that company infiltrate this market and invest money at the same time. Employing a team of web developers isn't a bad idea, after all this is their job and the can make sure every feature works properly and it is designed in a way that can embrace your company image and ethos. Being successful online is a long term process and you have to have the product and presence to ensure that clients keep coming back. If you are successful in ensuring this, then the likelihood is you will have a fruitful time of it on the web.

A Strong Platform

There are many companies out there that offer domain platforms from which you can create your website, selecting the correct one for the right price is becoming very important. JaguarPC hosting services is one of doing it, the offer large memory and monitoring services for their customers at a good price. The list however is endless, there are so many different companies out there that may suit your needs better so it important to ask around and get what is best for you.

Use of All Available Resources

Facebook and Twitter are both so popular nowadays and using this as a tool to promote your company website can be a great way to increase your profit margin. Setting up your own profile and also paying Facebook to advertise are bother brilliant ways of raising awareness of what you have to offer. If you are credible about making money online then you have got to raise your company profile and show the world what you can do, above are three of the best and most efficient ways of doing this.

Andrew is an author with a love for modern technology, especially the internet. He has a degree in business and writes extensively about both technological developments and business strategy.