16 Super Simple Social Media Hacks to Master Content Marketing

Every business is operated by the lead generation. This lead is primarily gained from digital marketing. As social media evolved into the primary digital marketing platforms of the present day, the need for the online marketers with expert distinct strategies has increased to foresee effective business results.

Content marketing is the high-end grade in social media marketing and plays a prominent role in online promotions with about 28 % of an organization’s marketing budget being spent on it. This shows how important content marketing strategy plays a role in enterprise publicity. 

The powerful content marketing made it easier to execute strategies and convert leads into happy customers.

While many content marketers are already aware of the basic skills of content marketing, there are certain simple hacks to double the results and generate an effective number of leads. If you want to be successful in your content marketing efforts, then try these following simple hacks:

     ⦁    Audience research
Marketing begins with research on the type of audience the business is targeted. Many of the successful content marketers take this phase very seriously. They start with a light research on the basic customer persona and make a note on everything about their demographics.

Most importantly, they arrive at an assumption to get closer to the truth about the audience.

     ⦁    Relevant current content

If blog posts are too generalized, lest people show interest. It is necessary to keep content fresh and always include topics related to the latest industry trends and global events.

Posts related to people’s interest has the higher chance of getting hits and shares.

     ⦁    Attracting Environment

While a writer comes across a new eye-catchy idea or object, that’s the moment he uses his full potential to generate, repeat, and connect with customers to attract attention, loyalty, and trust.
Successful writers create this environment through attractive storytelling, in a most primitive and powerful form.

     ⦁    Content is the king
Don’t hasten when composing a blog post. Firstly, you must make sure that the content is relevant, engaging, interesting, and unique.

If you are successful in the efforts of sharing valuable content across the social media, it itself can get you through the desired results than paid promotions.

     ⦁    Deep content
The important hack also one of the simplest is writing a deeper content. For SEO branding, content should be of the long form. Great content engages both customers and search engines. Longer and deeper content provides more value to the audience and is completely adored by Google.

The length of the content plays a major role in attracting viewers. An average length of interesting articles is estimated to be over 2,400 words.

However, this doesn't mean creation of a redundant copy of articles. Each word must ensure a value to fulfill visitors’ intention.

     ⦁    Draw the reader

Focus on the title and first few lines. The first 10 words must be catchy and informative. These words drive attention when filled with quirky verbs, interesting examples, and uncanny twists. All these things make sure the audience don’t get run over!

Once you grab the readers’ attention, it is time to engage them with simple, interesting stories. If it is achieved, you are sure to build momentum on social media.

     ⦁    Usage of specific details

In stimulating audience visually, authentic stories hold a value. Each sentence plays a role. When the content carries an implicit story structure, the readers experience it through their own memories.
The more specific the text, the more powerful the story will resonate with the audience.

     ⦁    Instilling Tweetable quotes
An easy way to grow following and lead generation is by adding tweetable quotes within the body of an article.

This simple hack requires just an easy downloadable WordPress plugin or any relevant service or application. This process results in a massive growth of leads through social media.

     ⦁    Image optimization
Putting relevant images in the posts brings an attractive appeal to the written text. It transforms the outlook of the blog completely.

Simply putting images won’t work. The images must attract viewers when shared with other major sites.

Adding the name of your site within the image adds a great value for your business. Many applications and tools are available to insert text within the images.

Images incorporating texts also work great on certain social platforms like Pinterest. This image naming convention makes a stamp of your brand in a reader’s mind.

     ⦁     Share-worthy content
If you are the one who runs a social media page for building the business network, then it is an ideal option to share your valuable content that attracts users.

This way your posts are fed in the news feed and are more likely be read and shared.

So, you must go with the flow to enjoy more hits among your followers.

     ⦁     Include share buttons to all posts
Once you have articulated a killer looking content, it’s time to share this content.

Easy Social Share Button
To make the sharing process seamless, include share buttons at the end of every post. This will simplify the process of sharing and radically generate social hype. Social media sharing buttons  make sharing easier. This surely will make a big difference in long-run.

     ⦁     Analysis
Successful content marketers don’t base their success on subjective factors, rather they reckon on the numbers and analytics to see if their strategy is working or not. Instead of just sitting and believing that their readers are engaging themselves; they question them directly. They dig deep, analyze their assumption and validate their results, before making proper changes.

     ⦁     Networking

Rather than concentrating more on eventual pieces to get created and published, successful content marketers invest their part of a time in building a professional network.

Many possible approaches associate with professional content marketing. These include Learning from others, reaching out for guest blogging, widening the network of publishing medium and attaining insights on similar industries. All these make a decent impact on marketing.

     ⦁     Diversification

Successful content marketers don’t stick with a just single area of expertise, instead, they try to expand the types of content they produce, including images and videos (if any). They expand recruitment of guest bloggers from third-party authorities.

This process keep readers engaged, and keep a track of changing reader’s interest.

     ⦁     Experimentation
When content marketers recognize a certain pattern is working, they stick with it thoroughly.
However, along with maintaining ROI, successful content marketers, also experiment on a regular basis, throwing in new topics and content formats that they believe their audience would typically expect. Even though it is a bit risky, and doesn’t always bring fruitful results, yet it keeps you away from falling into a trench.

     ⦁     Long-term nature
Content marketing is known for its long-term nature. The content always has time to alter the existing, outdated points, add new information and audit own strategies to join the ranks of the ruling in class.
To succeed in social media marketing, it is necessary to keep up a cliché-free zone. As the world spins faster, it is tougher to uphold customers’ attention. Wise content marketing draws more customers into your vision and sustains their bond with your products and services.

You are positioned well to acquire better results in terms of the number of leads, shares and closed business by executing these techniques.

Author Bio:

Sirisha Paladhi possesses love and passion towards writing, which brought her into this field. Presently, she is working as a Content Writer at Mindmajix. During her career, she has written many articles on technology innovations. In her pass time, she relishes in making handy-crafts.

LinkedIn URL: https://www.linkedin.com/in/paladhi-sirisha-74987881/

Tread Carefully When Choosing A Content Management Solution For Your Business

Tread Carefully When Choosing A Content Management Solution For Your Business

Planning a company’s website strategy can be a tough. If you’re trying to decide on a content management system as the foundation to your organisation’s online presence, you’ve probably trawled through many possible options.

So what features are important? What CMS is right for your needs? Here’s some ideas to point you in the right direction:

What Are Your Goals?
How much content are you going to be publishing? What is the strategy for getting that content in front of your potential customers? If you’re leaving publication in the hands of your staff, then you need to consider ease of use. If you’re employing an outside company to help you, you need to consider the industry standard options. Once you’ve picked a CMS, you’re going to find it a real headache to change course if the feature set doesn’t allow for future expansion, or doesn’t offer the ease of use you require from day one.

Decide On A Budget
Open source software will offer huge savings over a proprietary system. You’ll have a wider range of customisation options and the opportunity to tailor every detail to your own needs. Open source solutions like Wordpress also allow you to tap into a huge pool of developer options, as this type of open source solution is hugely popular with a massive user base. On the flip side, a paid-for enterprise solution will likely be less customisable and cost more in terms of both monthly outlay and technical development, but will come with very strong security features and dedicated support staff for more complex applications.

Check Out The Competition
If large corporate organisations are using a particular CMS with a high frequency, it’s a good sign it’s a safe option. You need to know that your solution will be supported for years to come and that it has an active user base, or you could be left in the dark if it falls out of favour with developers and designers.

Behind The Scenes
Before you dive in and sign up for a CMS, you need to understand that the hosting required may differ in terms of software requirements and ease of set up. Not every CMS will work with every type of programming language, especially where databases are concerned. You need to make some investigations about this before you enter into a long contract with your hosting company.

Can You Use The CMS For Marketing Campaigns?
CMS systems from companies like Siteglide feature complex and comprehensive tools for managing your marketing campaigns. For more information please refer to : http://www.siteglide.com. If you need the ability to send emails, monitor your results and manage secure areas and ecommerce, then you might be better signing up for a paid-for, enterprise style service.

Can You Migrate?
It shouldn’t be a huge issue, but it’s worth making some checks to determine if your current content can be easily migrated and organised on the new CMS. This could be a potential headache that leaves you with unacceptable amounts of downtime and chaos.

Choosing a CMS for your business is a process that requires some careful planning and consideration. Check the competition, weigh up the available options, and only make a decision after you’ve checked out all of the options.

Wendy Lin is a freelance writer who specialises in guest blogging. She is a CIO of 2 businesses and is also a watercolour painter.

3 Digital Marketing Tips In Shaping Your Business

3 Digital Marketing Tips In Shaping Your Business
Just like your body, you need to give your business a good shape in order to entice more customers, thus giving your company the chance to grow. There are many ways in which you can improve your digital marketing campaign system. It's time to gear up your site and get it into shape. I want to share to you the 3 digital marketing tips that will certainly revamp your website and help you achieve your marketing goals for 2014.

Here are 3 digital marketing tips that may help you in shaping your business and keeping it on track.

Watch out your Analytics
Analytics is the complete data regarding the statistics of your website. It is important for a business owner to track down the analytical data of his website. There are various websites which offer analysis of a site and allow its owner to know the different important data about his site. Knowing them can the owner of the business a lot because they will see if something is wrong about their website. An example is that when the owner observed that the traffic is exceedingly going down, maybe there is a need for him to create blogs to other channels that will redirect it to his or her website. Other than that, problems with social, search ranking, mobile, etc. may also be known by Analytics.

Focusing your Efforts
Giving efforts for your business to grow is vital. You need to offer your time for advertising and marketing so that more and more customers will come and purchase your product. But all of these efforts will be useless if you don’t have focus. You need to know who your audiences are and who the potential buyers of your product are.

For example, you are selling dental supplies. Your qualified leads (people who have the intent to purchase your products) are dentists or dental students. Why would you want to advertise these things to engineering students?

Therefore, when marketing or advertising, be sure that you discuss the information about your product on potential buyers and not just for any people out there. If the qualified leads are high, then there will be more sales for you.

Better Nothing than Junky Something
Putting something on your website doesn’t mean that it is already good. It should do something there and not a just a piece of thing standing on your site. An example is the contents on your site. Having high-quality contents in your site is an advantage for your marketing strategy. If you have content in your site that is not essential, it is best to change or remove it completely. It will just disappoint your customers and they may think that your site is not reliable. This is also true, especially if all of the things on your site are not right. You will not gain their trust and therefore more and more customers will stop from subscribing your product.
I hope these tips help you in achieving your marketing goals!

This article is written by Dorothy Matthews.

The Evolution of Music and Video Content Consumption

The Evolution of Music and Video Content Consumption

Question: How many ways are there to consume music today?
Answer: More than you can guess. The way we consume content, including music, has undergone a few changes in the past decade or so. As recently as the years between 2000 and 2005, we connected to the Internet at a speed of about 56 kbps. Today, Internet connection speeds average about 2.6 mbps. What seemed like the greatest thing since sliced bread in 2000 would seem so frustratingly slow that today’s users would be utterly appalled by the length of time it took to load a single web page. Thanks to the speed at which we can connect to the world at large, we’re consuming a great deal of content in new ways.

Desktop PCs, while still used in business and office settings, as well as many homes, are often a last resort to mobile users. We prefer to connect on the go, without being chained to a desk, using devices such as smartphones and tablets. We’re consuming the majority of our content today digitally. Whether it’s music, video, news or even books—we turn to the World Wide Web first. Take a look at the infographic below for more details on how content consumption has evolved over the past 10 to 15 years.

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