How To Install WeChat on iPhone 3G [iOS 4.1 / iOS 4.2.1]

How To Install WeChat on iPhone 3G [iOS 4.1 / iOS 4.2.1]

If you go to AppStore and search for WeChat you won't be able to install WeChat on your iPhone 3G, I found an supporting version for iPhone 3G. In order to install WeChat from your computer download iTools or iFunBox( I recommend iFunBox ). Download WeChat from this link, It's a .rar so extract the ipa file into your desktop or somewhere else and make sure you have connected your iPhone 3g to your computer..

If you have downloaded iTools then run it, in Library tab click on Application sub tab. Now click add and select the ipa file you just extracted from the .rar file you downloaded.

iTools 2013 - WeChat

Then click install, it will take about 2-3 minutes to install. If we chat was installed successfully the blue color button Install would be yellow in color and the text would be Installed.

iTools 2013 - iPhone 3G - WeChat - iOS 4.1
if you have downloaded iFunBox, go to iFunBox Classic under connected devices you can see your iDevice, click User Applications then inside the User Applications right click and select Install or click on Install from the button you see on the top and select the ipa file you just extracted from the .rar you downloaded.

iFunBox - User Applications - Install - WeChat - iPhone 3G
It will begin installing(you will be shown a progressbar and the value is set for installation process). After the installation you will be shown a page where you can make sure the app was installed or not.

iFunBox - Installation - Successful - Failed

So after installing it, you will find it on your App menu.

iPhone 3G - App Menu - WeChat

So go ahead and launch it, if you already have an account you can just log in and if you don't you can sign up.

iPhone 3G - App Menu - WeChat

That's it. Now you have WeChat on your iPhone 3G. This WeChat version works on all devices that runs iOS 3.0 +. Please share this on your social networks and helps others.