Chat Wisely: Softros LAN Messenger

Whether you run a small web design agency or a large-scale enterprise, corporate network security should be one of your major concerns. Establishing bulletproof security isn’t a one-time action, but an ongoing commitment that encompasses various activity aspects, one of which is communication. You’ll be surprised to learn that your most sensitive information can be easily stolen by hackers due to the vulnerabilities of public messengers. All your best-laid antiviral measures might be for naught if you use a ‘not-so-safe’ piece of software. So, which messenger does your company use? Are you sure it is secure enough?

LAN Messengers

Computers belonging to a single network (Local Area Network or Wide Area Network) can effectively interact with each other (exchange messages and files, chat, send notifications etc.) in real time even if the network has no Internet connection. This was made possible thanks to LAN messengers that work as stand-alone client applications which don’t depend on any central servers (there is no need to set up those for LAN messengers). LAN messengers have proven successful for intra-office communication due to their enterprise-level security measures, ease-of-use and functional flexibility. Join me reviewing Softros LAN messenger, one of the highly rated IM tools to explore the benefits of this type of software.

Softros LAN Messenger

LAN messenger by Softros Inc. is one of the major players in the market. It has bought the heart and trust of many business owners for a wide range of handy features:
  • Ease of use. Softros LAN messenger works out-of-the-box and requires minimum user intervention. It can be easily configured by non-tech-savvy users.
  • Full Windows support (XP, Vista, 7-8). Works seamlessly on large and small TCP/IP networks.
  • Secure LAN messaging. All messages are protected by the AES encryption algorithm minimizing eavesdropping and leaks. You get full control over who and when accesses the messenger.
Softros LAN Messenger -Announcement
  • Requires no Internet connection. Softros helps you save the bandwidth, as well as prevent external attacks and keep your employees from chatting with friends and families.
  • Private and group channels. File transmission.
  • Sound alarms for incoming messages.
  • User grouping: you can recreate the structure of your firm through grouping users by departments and teams, for instance Devs, Sales Department, QA etc.
  • User rights management. You can selectively assign different rights and thus restrict certain functions of the messenger for normal users.
  • Message logging. All correspondence is archived and can be looked through anytime.
Softros LAN Messenger - History Viewing

  • Easy importing/exporting. If needed, you can export your LAN settings to a file and then use them on any other PC on the network.
  • Multi language interface. Included languages: Spanish, French, German, Polish, Italian, Dutch, Danish and more.
  • Affordable pricing: $10.95 per copy. Quantity discounts are available.
It is better to see once than to hear about it a thousand times, so you may want to try the application yourself free of charge through downloading a free trial version.
The core advantage this piece of software is security. You should never skimp on it. When it comes to business, enterprise-level software isn’t a whim, it’s a necessity.
Featured images: Both Images are owned by the Author.
    Robert is a passionate blogger. He's the owner of, a website covering various technology topics. Feel free to contact Robert via his social accounts anytime.

    Dropbox Chat 1.1

    Hey guys, 

    Here is another software release. I've been working on this for 2 days, this is version 1.1 of the application and should work well without any bugs but if you do happen to find anything wrong be sure to let me know. 


    Dropbox Chat is an application that you, and your friends use while sharing a dropbox folder. You add a text file to a shared folder, and each person has that file linked to the chat application. Using this we can chat to everyone in that shared folder. 

    The first time you run the application a First Time Wizard will be displayed taking you through the steps of setting everything up. You need to enter a display name for when you're chatting, and the text file which must be located in the shared dropbox folder. 

    After you've used the First Time Wizard you can use the program to chat by entering a message and pressing enter or clicking the send button. If you need to change the settings again in the future you can right click and select Settings, you can also choose to delete the chat log, but this deletes everyone else's chat too. 

    Image: (cause we all love images!)


    You will need .Net Framework 4.5 to run the application
    You will need an internet connection to run the updater, and to update the chat. 


    This is a direct archive download from my dropbox. 

    Click here to download Dropbox Chat 1.1

    Since 1.0 I added the automatic updater, designed a new setup wizard and a few bug fixes. Please be sure to let me know what you think of my program, and tell me all of your suggestions