How To Make Typing Effect In C#

typing thingy
Everyone wants the typing effect in their about form of their program even i want :) , so i found a very good way to do that thing easily .

First of all create a new project to test this & add a label from the toolbox because we need it also add a timer to the form . Don't change change anything in the timer properties , Now let's create a String and a Static Integer .
string Type_Text = "Ultimate programming tutorials";//This is the text that's going to be typed
   static int index_Num = 0;//declaring integer index_Num 
Now on form_load event let's code some basics
            timer1.Interval = (150);//setting the timer interval since timer interval is Int i am not using "
            timer1.Enabled = true;//enabling the timer
            label1.Text = "";//setting label1 text to be empty
Now at last we'll go to timer_tick event so create the event first of all and we'll do some maths (*_*)
label1.Text = Type_Text.Substring(0, index_Num) + "_";//Substring is a part of Type_Text String that we declared at the start
            index_Num++;//Doing a post fix
            if (index_Num == Type_Text.Length + 1)//An if statment with a condition of course
                index_Num = 0;
Here is the full codes
        //Author : Mohamed Shimran
        //Blog :

        string Type_Text = "Ultimate programming tutorials";//This is the text that's going to be typed
        static int index_Num = 0;//declaring integer index_Num 

        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            timer1.Interval = (150);//setting the timer interval since timer interval is Int i am not using "
            timer1.Enabled = true;//enabling the timer
            label1.Text = "";//setting label1 text to be empty

        private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            label1.Text = Type_Text.Substring(0, index_Num) + "_";//Substring is a part of Type_Text String that we declared at the start
            index_Num++;//Doing a post fix
            if (index_Num == Type_Text.Length + 1)//An if statment with a condition of course
                index_Num = 0;

Now let's debug the program and see what happens

Typing Effect - Debug

As you can see in the image it's working nicely by the way the gif is bit laggy don't mind it . I hope this really helps .

How To Make Label Typing Effect In VB.NET

For this tutorials we will need a timer and a label and a public string and a public integer thats all we need to begin add a label and add a timer now lets go do coding i have written the codes so no need to write one by one

How To Make Scrolling Graphics Effect In VB.NET

hello guys :) this is something very cool and it has been created using pure graphics(2ddrawing) in . first of all i want to say you don't need work harder to understand the codes because this is created in a very simple format . ok now you see the image in the top of this post and that's how this animation works . you can add more graphics to it if your in to themebase . first you need to add a timer and i recommend you to make the form border style none for better play .

 here is the codes

Imports System.Drawing.Drawing2D
Public Class Form1

    'Author : Mohamed Shimran
    'Blog :

    Dim g As Graphics = Me.CreateGraphics
    Dim offsetvalue As Integer = 150
    Dim x, y, cx, cy As Integer
    Dim randd As New Random
    Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        rota = 10
        x = randd.Next(0, Me.Width)
        y = randd.Next(0, Me.Height)
        cx = randd.Next(5, 10)
        cy = randd.Next(5, 10)
    End Sub
    Dim rota As Integer
    Private Sub Form1_Paint(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) Handles Me.Paint
        Dim g As Graphics = e.Graphics
        Static angle As Integer
        x += cx
        y += cy
        If x > Me.Width - 150 Then
            cx = -cx
        ElseIf x < 0 Then
            cx = -cx
        End If
        If y > Me.Height - 150 Then
            cy = -cy
        ElseIf y < 0 Then
            cy = -cy
        End If
        Dim G_path As GraphicsPath = New GraphicsPath()
        Dim rectangle As RectangleF = New RectangleF(x, y, 200, 100)
        Dim str_format As StringFormat = New StringFormat()
        str_format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center
        str_format.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center
        G_path.AddString("Ultimate programming tutorials", Me.Font.FontFamily, CInt(Me.Font.Style), Me.Font.Height + 15, rectangle, str_format)
        angle += rota
        If angle > 360 Then
            rota = -rota

        ElseIf angle < 0 Then
            rota = -rota
        End If
        g.DrawPath(New Pen(Brushes.Black, 4), G_path)
        g.FillPath(Brushes.Azure, G_path)
        Dim matrix As Matrix = New Matrix()
        matrix.Translate(0, 0)
        matrix.RotateAt(angle, New PointF(Me.Width / 2 + (50), Me.Height / 2 - (50 / 2)))
        g.DrawPath(New Pen(Brushes.White, 4), G_path)
        g.FillPath(Brushes.Black, G_path)
        g.DrawPath(Pens.Black, G_path)
    End Sub
    Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
    End Sub
End Class

don't do anything for the timer . just tweak the codes for your need and enjoy .

How To Create Snow Falling Effect On The Form In VB.NET

I am today with an awesome effect. This is something created very simply without any classes or modules ok lets make it. First of all set your form and after that add a timer and thats all you need now just double click your form and put these.

I recommend you to use a background image or a dark background color for your form as you see in the image (top image).

How To Make A Drop-Down Effect In VB.NET

oh after a little bit time i am here to write a tutorial i am glad about it , this tutorial is about making a drop down effect in visual basic . net its pretty simple , lets make it

1 .open your most favorite visual studio 2008/2010

2 . create a new project and name it whatever you want

3 . add a button

4 . add a panel

5 .set the panel size to 426, 220

6 . set the form size to 466, 305

7 . make your form look like this