How To Make A Screen Shot Application In VB.NET

hello , your now in the right place to learn how to make a simple screen shot application as you can see lots of screen shot applications on the internet and they are very good and useful by the way i can write a tutorial about making a very advanced screen shot application with a lot features so i am now just going to teach you how to make a simple very small screen shot application in and this dont take too much time , ok now lets begin make a new project and name it and when the form loading finishes just adjust the regular things you do in the form properties and the application properties and after that make your form very small the size like 300,127 or however you want now add one button and a textbox and a timer from the toolbox after that simple change the button1 text to capture or whatever means capturing , make the textbox size 33,20 and inside the text of textbox1 add 5 and now click timer and go to properties and inside interval put 1000 , i will explain how the program will work after coding ends whne the program is running in the textbox you just need to add time like i mentioned add 5 now when you click the button capture it will go 4,3,2,1 and the application will hide itself in windows and the screen will be captured and saved near the executable of the application ,now make sure you have a good looking form also i dint mention before you can add a label to make the things look good