hello guys this is a cool one about scrolling text to up and you know you have seen something like this when using other application for example when you go to the about form on some applications you can see they have the scrolling text to up like the credits of the application and etc goes up so it would be cool to make your own about form like that so i am just up with this and i hope you will benefit from it and i have to tell the video which you see is not a quality one . create a project and name it whatever and when the form loading done just do things you usually do in the properties of the form and etc . now add a label and a timer and you see the label and timer are the controls you need and they are the most important now add the text whatever you(lorem ipsum) want to , inside the label1 text and now go to timer properties and enabled = true and set the interval to 30 and now double click your form and just add these codes
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How To Make Text Scroll Up Effect In VB.NET
hello guys this is a cool one about scrolling text to up and you know you have seen something like this when using other application for example when you go to the about form on some applications you can see they have the scrolling text to up like the credits of the application and etc goes up so it would be cool to make your own about form like that so i am just up with this and i hope you will benefit from it and i have to tell the video which you see is not a quality one . create a project and name it whatever and when the form loading done just do things you usually do in the properties of the form and etc . now add a label and a timer and you see the label and timer are the controls you need and they are the most important now add the text whatever you(lorem ipsum) want to , inside the label1 text and now go to timer properties and enabled = true and set the interval to 30 and now double click your form and just add these codes
How To Make A Screen Shot Application In VB.NET
hello , your now in the right place to learn how to make a simple screen shot application vb.net as you can see lots of screen shot applications on the internet and they are very good and useful by the way i can write a tutorial about making a very advanced screen shot application with a lot features so i am now just going to teach you how to make a simple very small screen shot application in vb.net and this dont take too much time , ok now lets begin make a new project and name it and when the form loading finishes just adjust the regular things you do in the form properties and the application properties and after that make your form very small the size like 300,127 or however you want now add one button and a textbox and a timer from the toolbox after that simple change the button1 text to capture or whatever means capturing , make the textbox size 33,20 and inside the text of textbox1 add 5 and now click timer and go to properties and inside interval put 1000 , i will explain how the program will work after coding ends whne the program is running in the textbox you just need to add time like i mentioned add 5 now when you click the button capture it will go 4,3,2,1 and the application will hide itself in windows and the screen will be captured and saved near the executable of the application ,now make sure you have a good looking form also i dint mention before you can add a label to make the things look good
Matrix On VB.NET Console
hello , this is a matrix effect on CLI (command line interface) aka Console as i wrote before here its also the same matrix effect but its coded using c# console ok now lets make it just create a new project and select console application and name it and when the coding thing is on just add these code inside it
How To Make A Simple Text Encrypter(Encryptor),Decrypter(Decryptor) In VB.NET
hello dear readers , now i am up with a simple encryption decryption tutorials in vb.net by the way i am not going to use any classes like RC4,RSA,etc i just wrote the simple method to understand how encryption and encryption works . read how encryption works here and you know what is decryption if there's anyone who don't know what is decryption , decryption make a protected code or whatever visible you can read about that in some other websites ok now lets move to the main part now create a new project and when your form finishes loading add two textboxes and two buttons now place the text box 1 in the top of the form and place the text box2 in the bottom of the form now the textbox1 is for text to input and the textbox2 is for text to output so now change the text of the button 1 to encrypt and the other button to decrypt as you can see how all the controls are arranged in the picture . now double click the form and add this codes ...
How To Make A Cool Text Animation In VB.NET
hello , animation in vb.net is really a cool thing and for this you are not going to use any type of labels or textboxes just we are coding but we need timer and a button the timer for you know for timing and the button to show the animation up so now lets begin making this don't worry this wont take much time or don't need to work hard because its already coded in the easiest way to understand and also to create. now create a new project in your visual basic 2008/2010 i tested this in visual basic 2010 and i don't have visual basic 2008 to test to i hope it work in visual basic 2008 . when the form finished loading now change the usual things in properties now from the toolbox add a timer(timer1) and a button(button1) now double click your form and add this codes
How To Make A Advance Calculator In VB.NET
advanced calculator,
how to make a advanced calculator,
how to make a calculator,
how to make a calculator in visual basic,
programming courses,
visual c#
- By
Mohamed Shimran
- on 2/06/2013
Today we are going to make an advanced calculator(no), this is how our calculator looks like after designing it.
To begin open your visual basic 2008/2010 and make a new project and name it whatever you want and go to your form properties and change size to 258, 269 also change the form text .
Now add 2 group boxes and re-size them as below
How To Convert Numbers To Text Using VB.NET
hello this a tutorial which helps you now what this actually do is , when you enter some numbers ie:1000 and click the button you will one thousand in the converted richtextbox so i am using a class here and i have 2 richtextbox and a button ok now lets make it add two rich textbox and a button now change button text to convert and add labels to make the program look good and now add a class and name it convert.vb add this codes inside the convert.vb
How To Make A Password Generator In Java
hello today i am going to teach you to create a password generator in java first of all make sure you read this - http://ultimateprogrammingtutorials.blogspot.com/2013/02/starting-with-java-programming.html ok now what this program will do is we have string alphabets now when we run the program it will generate a password by the way this is not a GUI program so now here is the code
Starting With Java Programming
In this post I will tell you what I know about java and how to make a hello world program in java ok, now java is a great programming language, it was introduced in 1995. From my experience java is nothing without classes because everything works with classes in java programming, java is a language that can be used in web and desktop, the syntax of java is exactly the same as c# and also the codes are similar to c# too if you go through the java programming history you will see java programming language is a tradition of C & C++, the newest version is JDK 7.
Java originally doesn't have an IDE(Integrated Development Environment) it just have compiler, below is a hello world program in java
public class HelloWorldApp { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Hello World - ultimate programming tutorials"); } }The code is for the hello world program now you can see public class HelloWorldApp its the class name, the program should start off with public static void main(string[] args).
I hope you learned something, share with your friends and please let me know if theres any questions.
Java Tutorials