How To Disable And Enable Task Manager In VB.NET

this only works in windows xp . you will need two buttons , add two buttons and double click form and add this and change the button1 text to enable and button 2 disable 

How To Display IP In PHP

this is a simple tut about getting the ip in php , the script is

How To Make A Password Generator In C++

i am new to c++ and this is a interesting thing ok now this is a preview of my code

ok now heres the code

How To Open Cashier Drawer In VB.NET

the code below will open the cashier drawer using either
LPT or COM port

if you use LPT port this is the right way of code

How To Convert Numbers To Normal Text In PHP

i am up with a simple php thing this convert number  to text for instance if you enter 100 in the textbox and click the button the label will show the text form of 100 , hundred . below is the full code(s)

form code
php code

How To Login And Logout With Session In PHP

this is a simple tutorial for beginners by the way this is also a good way to login and logout
lets make the index.php

How To Block And Unblock USB Using VB.NET

this is something very interest but this is the best way to lock usb and unblock usb because i am using registry so anyone can change the registry by the way lets just make it

you will need two buttons thats it

button1 - block
button2 - unblock

now double click your button1 and add this code

How To Make A Simple Login In VB.NET

A login form is a form which is used to give access to other form for instance lets take you have a login form and you have two textboxes in login form and a button so if your username textbox and password textbox text is correct then when you click the button you will have access to other forms

make a new form and make another form as well now go to form1 and add two textbox and a button now change the textproperty of button to login now make the form look like this

you can add labels and make the form look good now its time to code

How To load Availale Drives In Combobox In VB.NET

I saw on some forums, many people asking how to get the available drives in a combobox or whatever in VB.NET, here is the code that get's the available drives in a combobox, you can change combobox to listbox and etc.