Infographic : Brief History About Programming

Here is a Brief History About Programming in a form an infographic which i found while surfing over the web pages :)

brief  Programming

Click here to view the image

Google Chrome Theme For VB.NET

So everyone loves the looks of Google Chrome and wonder why not in here is a theme that looks like chrome :)

first add a class

Google Chrome Theme For VB.NET
then add these codes inside the class

How Make A PictureBox Bounce Everywhere In C#

How Make A PictureBox Bounce Everywhere In C#
Okay I think you have seen this thing in VB.NET or Visual Basic 5.0/6.0 :) so i was at my class and one of my class guy asked me how he could make a picturebox bounce everywhere in your screen so i was bulbed what i mean from bulb-ed is i got an idea , so i gave him the codes and i wanted to give you all the codes too so lets start you can use a picturebox in this program

Add a image to the picturebox and change the form property Form_BorderStyle = NONE and double and you need a timer so drag and drop one and set it's interval to 0 , now click your form and add these codes ,
        //Author : Mohamed Shimran
        //Blog :
        public Boolean top_ = true;
        public Boolean left_ = true;
        public int Speed =25;
        private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
                if (top_ == true) Form1.ActiveForm.Top += Speed; else Form1.ActiveForm.Top -= Speed;
                if (left_ == true) Form1.ActiveForm.Left += Speed; else Form1.ActiveForm.Left -= Speed;

                if (Form1.ActiveForm.Top >= Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height - 40) top_ = false;
                if (Form1.ActiveForm.Left >= Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width - 37) left_ = false;
                if (Form1.ActiveForm.Top < -5) top_ = true;
                if (Form1.ActiveForm.Left < -5) left_ = true;
                timer1.Enabled = false;

        private void pictureBox1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            timer1.Enabled = true;

        private void Form1_Deactivate(object sender, EventArgs e)
            timer1.Enabled = false;

        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

        private void Form1_Activated(object sender, EventArgs e)
            timer1.Enabled = true;

now debug and see it in action

Useful Google Chrome Extensions For Developers

Useful Google Chrome Extensions For Developers

Google Chrome extensions are also known as Google Chrome apps , so today i will write down some Google Chrome extensions that are useful for developers doesn't matter web dev or software dev .

Web Developer
web developer is an extension created by , it has vaious web developer tools .

Google Chrome

you can download Web Developer from here

The QR Code Generator
The QR Code Generator helps you to generate your own QR codes with text , phone numbers , URLs , SMS messages etc

Google Chrome

you can download The QR Code Generator from here

How To Make A MP3 Player In VB.NET

How To Make A MP3 Player In VB.NETSomeone requested me to write a tutorial about making a mp3 player in by the way i actually don't have time to do it but i am here to do a simple one because i don't want to deny his request or late .. first of all right click on your toolbox and select Choose Items and a window will come up move to COM tab page in that window and search for Windows Media Player when you found it tick it and click ok button .

How To Make A MP3 Player In VB.NET

Then you will see any tool in your toolbox that should be this (Windows Media Player)

How To Make A MP3 Player In VB.NET

How To Make A Shutdown Manager In VB.NET

Today I went through my old project and I found a project and wanted to create a tutorial about it so it's a shutdown manager. I couldn't test and make it so much advanced because I don't have time so I will just write down the basic codings .

To Shutdown Computer you can use 

        Shell("shutdown -s")

To Log off Computer you can use

            Shell("shutdown -l")

To Restart Computer you can use

            Shell("shutdown -r")

you can also use System.Diagnostics.Process.Start() 


How To Use Microsoft Office Word Spell Checker In Your Project In VB.NET

How To Use Microsoft Office Word Spell Checker In Your Project In VB.NET
Last night i was thinking on how to do this (title) then i came with an idea , i did a program that converts Docx(Microsoft Office Document) to DOC(Microsoft Office Word 98-2003 Document) so i used the same method but had to tweak . for this you don't need to have any classes or dll's i have created two functions that will do the work , to make this first you need a button and a textbox then double click the form and add these code(s).

How To Eject And Close CD/DVD Drive In C#

How To Eject And Close CD/DVD Drive In C#
Okay guys i was doing a program about managing the system things so i had to figure out eject and closing CD/DVD Drive so i did and here is the code for this .

first of all you need to import a interop service it's

   [DllImport("winmm.dll", EntryPoint = "mciSendStringA", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
        protected static extern int mciSendString(string lpstrCommand,
        StringBuilder lpstrReturnString,
        int uReturnLength,
        IntPtr hwndCallback);
after importing it add the namespace using System.Runtime.InteropServices; , then add this code to eject CD/DVD Drive

            int ret = mciSendString("set cdaudio door open", null, 0, IntPtr.Zero);

now to close CD/DVD Drive use this code

            int ret = mciSendString("set cdaudio door closed", null, 0, IntPtr.Zero);

Hope it helped you ..

How To Set Up Python In Windows

How To Set Up Python In Windows 7
I did a tutorial on how to set up java in windows so on i also have python installed so i thought it would be nice to make a tutorial about doing the same thing for python first of all i want say that interpreted languages only has compiler(most of) like java,python,pascal etc that's why we need to set up the compiler for the OS .

Go download Python at and install it as usual now like what we did in java go ahead and right click on My Computer and select Advanced System Properties