Infographic : The Worst Films of 2013

Worst Films and Best Films of 2013

Producers and actors embark on movie projects with the best intentions. The screenwriting will be snappy and memorable. The costumes will be accurate for the time period. The script will grab viewers’ attention, not letting it go until after the final credits roll.

Yet some movies just flop. The reasons for their failure range all across the spectrum. Let’s mourn these movies:

  1. The Lone Ranger. Johnny Depp blames film critics for this movie’s failure. No matter why it flopped, it only took in $89 million in box office sales.
  2. Second is R.I.P.D. This movie did even worse, with box office sales of only $34 million.
  3. Third is After Earth. This film starred Will Smith and his son, Jaden. A rare flop for Smith, this movie only took in $34 million in box office sales.
  4. This one is a surprise. Elysium, a follow up to District 9, failed. Its premise was good, but taking on income equality and immigration in a two-hour movie is a huge undertaking.
  5. The Training Farm is a New York based instruction center where instructors train creative professionals on the latest media software.
This infographic is provided by TheTrainingFarm.


I think, the next Fast and Furious will take even more because millions of Paul Walker's fans will want to pay the tribute to his memory.


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