How to Make a WIFI Hotspot Creator in VB.NET

You'll find many programs on the internet that can turn your Computer/Laptop Internet into a WIFI Hotspot but this ain't no any advanced like this. This is a very simple program to make a WIFI Hotspot using the Netsh command line scripting utility that comes with Windows.

Let's get into it...

Tools Required
  • 2 Textboxes
  • 2 Labels
  • 1 Checkbox
  • 2 Buttons
Change TEXT in the added Tools like given below
  • Label 1 - Hotspot Name:
  • Label 2 - Password: (8 Characters minimum)
  • CheckBox1 - Show Password
  • Button1 - Start
  • Button2 - Stop
Make sure your FORM looks like this :

Double click your Form to get into Form_Load Event and add this code to disable the Button2 (Stop)
 Button2.Enabled = False
Add this code for FormClosed Event to stop the Hotspot automatically when you close the program
Process.Start("CMD", "/C netsh wlan stop hostednetwork")
  Now go to Button1_Click and add these :

       If TextBox1.Text = "" Then  
         MsgBox("Hotspot Name can't be empty", MsgBoxStyle.Critical)  
       End If  
       If TextBox2.TextLength < 8 Then  
         MsgBox("Password should be 8+ characters", MsgBoxStyle.Critical)  
         If TextBox2.Text = "" Then  
           MsgBox("Password can't be empty", MsgBoxStyle.Critical)  
         End If  
         Dim process As New Process()  
         process.StartInfo.Verb = "runas"  
         process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = True  
         process.Start("cmd", String.Format("/c {0} & {1} & {2}", "netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=" & TextBox1.Text & " key=" & TextBox2.Text, "netsh wlan start hostednetwork", "pause"))  
         MsgBox("Hotspot started successfully", MsgBoxStyle.Information)  
         Button1.Enabled = False  
         Button2.Enabled = True  
       End If  
     Catch ex As Exception  
       MsgBox("Failed to establish a hotspot" & ex.Message, MsgBoxStyle.Information)  
     End Try  

Add this to Button2_Click :

   Button2.Enabled = False  
     Process.Start("CMD", "/C netsh wlan stop hostednetwork")  
     Button1.Enabled = True  
     MsgBox("Hotspot stopped successfully", MsgBoxStyle.Information)  

Finally just go add this piece of code to CheckBox1_Checked :

     If CheckBox1.CheckState = CheckState.Checked Then  
       TextBox2.UseSystemPasswordChar = False  
     End If  
     If CheckBox1.CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked Then  
       TextBox2.UseSystemPasswordChar = True  
     End If  

That's it! let's Run the program, Just set a Hotspot Name and a Password then click on Start

Now check your Phone or any other devices for WIFI connections, this is a screenshot from my Phone :

Hope it works fine with y'all...


Anonymous mod

Hey, this is very interesting. I read a lot of different blogs and to be honest it's the first time when i meet really useful and interesting information. Super excited to try it out! But i'll need some free time here so maybe i should order my essay at so i can free some space in my schedule.


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