How To Draw A Circle Form In C#

 How To Draw A Circle Form In C#
I have seen some controls/components that can change the form into circle.. today I came up with something very simple umm well, it’s done with drawing. You’ll need to add the namespace : using System.Drawing;. We’ll do the drawing in form_load if you want you can do it under a button_click event or something else..

This is the code :

System.Drawing.Drawing2D.GraphicsPath XY = new System.Drawing.Drawing2D.GraphicsPath();
            XY.AddEllipse(0, 0, 300, 300);
            this.Region = new Region(XY);

GraphicsPath() : Initialize a new Graphics Path.
AddEllipse() : Adds a Ellipse to the Graphics Path.
new Region() : Describes a Graphics Shape.

How To Draw Border At PictureBox Border In C#


hello i am up with this but this is something very small but very useful ok now what this is about , theres are 2button and a openfiledialog and when you click open the openfiledialog will be up so you just can go ahead and select a image and you click the draw button the picturebox out border will be green color .