AP WOW Wake On Wan : Wake Up Your Computer

AP WOW Wake On Wan is useful program that allows you to send packets to a computer in order to switch it on .

How To Use?
  1. Click Enable WOW to enable wake on wan.
  2. Inset the IP address of the computer that you want to switch on.
  3. Insert the MAC address of the computer that you want to switch on.
  4. Insert the default subnet of the computer that you want to switch on.
  5. Insert the Port that you have forwarded to receive the packets.
  6. Click Start (WOW) to send a packet to the computer that you want to switch on.
  • Internet Connection
  • .NET Framework 4.0
  • Administrator Privilege
 Working Example

How To Get IP Address From Host Name In VB.NET

This tutorial is about coding a Host To IP Address Program , how this works ? this finds the ip address of the host or i can say it converts the domain name to ip address so lets begin making this

1.open your visual basic 2008/2010

2.create a new project and name it whatever you like to

3.add a button and change its text property to get ip

4.add two textboxes

textbox1 is for host

textbox2 is for ip address

5.add two labels and change their text properties as below

label1 - host : 
label2 - IP Address :