How To Make Your Form Shake In VB.NET

Use this code to make a form shake. It is fun to use and can be used under any event.

codes :

'By LeSaN
'Easy code to make a form shake

Dim a As Integer 'Declaring integer "a"

While a < 10 'Starting a "while loop"

'Setting our form's X position to 20 'pixels to right from it's current position.            
Me.Location = New Point(Me.Location.X + 20, Me.Location.Y)
'Telling a program to sleep for 50 miliseconds before 'continuing

'Setting our form's X position to 20 'pixels to left from it's current position.
Me.Location = New Point(Me.Location.X - 20, Me.Location.Y)

'Telling a program to sleep for 50 miliseconds before continuing            
a += 1 'Increasing integer "a" by 1 after each loop
End While

Here is a preview:


Text editor with HTML & VB.Net functions - Still in development

This is a text editor im still working on, you can program VB.Net and HTML in it there is preview for the HTML so you can easier make websites

I just wanted to share this program with you, but remember the program is still in early state and will probaly be updated on the site, the program itself dont have an updater (yet)