What Affects your Internet Speed

Fast speed internet has more or less permeated through the country, with the exception of a few areas. But the days of dial up have gone, and with that, the days of extremely ridiculously slow internet speeds.  We subscribe to internet plans with ISPs that compete against each other, so you know you have a choice when choosing an ISP. But when you suddenly notice that your internet speed is getting worse with each passing day, and you don’t suspect your ISP, what other reasons could be the behind your slow internet speeds?

Fast speed internet has more or less permeated through the country, with the exception of a few areas. But the days of dial up have gone, and with that, the days of extremely ridiculously slow internet speeds.
We subscribe to internet plans with ISPs that compete against each other, so you know you have a choice when choosing an ISP. But when you suddenly notice that your internet speed is getting worse with each passing day, and you don’t suspect your ISP, what other reasons could be the behind your slow internet speeds?
This infographic created by BlueGadgetTooth clearly lists out ten possible reasons for your slow internet speed. Ranging from simply upgrading your internet subscription plan, to upgrading your computer to something newer that can handle the loads you place on it, or even just upgrading your wireless router to a newer model that can do the job more efficiently, many times the factors are simple reasons and the solutions to them even simpler still.
Why depend on customer service to provide the fix after endless phone calls, emails and basically hassles to just get a simple answer. With this infographic, you don’t have to wonder why. Go through the list to see the possible culprits behind your slow internet speeds, and hopefully you’ll be able to narrow down the factors to a few.
This will also help you in coming up with a viable solution.
Why go through paragraphs of endless text? I know words start fading into one another, especially when it’s to do with something I know nothing about, but an infographic? This could make me sound super smart when dealing with slow internet speed issues, just by taking ten minutes to skim through it.
Finding the solution to your slow internet speed could never be easier.

Ways You Must Follow To Expedite Your WordPress Site Speed

Despite putting in a considerable amount of efforts and time in building a WordPress website, you might still fail to attract visitors towards the site if it loads slowly. After all, even your aesthetically pleasing design won't help you if it can't even load.

In this post, I’ll share some of the best ways that will help speed up your WordPress site:

1. Pick Up a Good Web Hosting Provider

You will find plenty of web hosts available online, however, the majority of hosts meet limited WordPress requirements. Remember that choosing a wrong web host for hosting your site can slow it down. However, selecting a hosting plan from the crowd can be challenging. Thankfully, WordPress makes it a little easier for you to pick a good host and recommends using Bluehost as your hosting provider.

Apart from Bluehost, there are several other great hosting providers worth considering, such as:
  • SitePoint
  • Hostgator
  • InMotion

2. Choosing The Right Type of Hosting Plan

As a startup, choosing a shared WordPress hosting plan may appear as a good bargain to you. But, keep in mind that though you can get shared web hosting for low rates, but it might hurt your site loading time. However, you can make your website blazing fast by choosing managed hosting plans offered by WP Engine.

3. Choose a Lightweight Theme That Guarantees Performance

Most of the people (if not all) prefer installing a pre-built WordPress theme for setting up their website. You can easily find hundreds to thousands of free and premium themes over the web, however, not all of them ensures good performance. Especially, the free to download themes usually scores low in terms of speed, as they contain bloated code. But this doesn't mean that each and every free WP theme is bad. But the point is, you must carefully select a ready-made theme that is lightweight and contains only essential features.

4. Leverage Browser Caching

One great strategy that will help in improving your WordPress site speed is browser caching. Well, as you know fetching resources from the server over and over again can be expensive and increases overhead. However, browser caching helps in storing files on the local system when a user visits your web page, and make the user reuse cached pages. This helps in improving page speed. W3 Total Cache is one of the best plugins that can help in performing browser caching effectively.

Moreover, you can tools such as Pingdom or Webpage Test to know how well your chosen themes perform.

5. Implement a CDN (a.k.a Content Deliver Network)

When choosing a standard web host, all your website files will be kept on a single server in a single location. Your website will load quickly and users will be able to access the files if their location is near to the datacenter – where your files are stored. But, your site will run slowly when visitors distant from datacenter will try to access the files. However, you can avoid such a situation from happening by implementing a CDN.

A content delivery network, basically, helps distribute your website files to different data centers across the world. And thus, increases the chances of making the server closer to each website visitor. This will ensure that your all your visitors are able to download files from your site as fast as possible.  My personal favorite is Max CDN, however, you can also use content delivery networks like CacheFly, CloudFare and many others.

A Few Other Nitty-Gritty Yet Important Considerations To Boost Website Speed

  • Make sure to keep your WordPress website updated, as it will help in fixing bugs found in previous versions and will also provide new performance enhancements. This will eventually help in improving the performance of your website. 
  • Avoid installing too many plugins, as it cause your website to crash. Also, remove any unwanted plugins from the site and keep the plugins up-to-date.
  • Reduce the size of image files, as they can make your website slow down. Luckily, there is an excellent plugin that can help in optimizing your images, called as WP Smush
. Additionally, minify your JavaScript and CSS files.

Wrapping Up!

You'll find plenty of recommended ways and techniques to optimize the speed of your WordPress site, ranging from themes, plugins, to making changes to the code and so on. In order to save your time from having to find such ways, I've covered some of the most important and best ways that help in improving your website speed.

Author Biography:
Samuel Dawson is working in Designs2html Ltd where he has lots of responsibilities on his shoulder. He is responsible to convert psd to wordpress website. Above he has shared some valuable points on how you can speed up your website.