Loud-Mouthed Megaphones And The People Who Use Them

Loud-Mouthed Megaphones And The People Who Use ThemJust when you thought that powerful megaphones were only being used as crowd control during times of emergency comes the news that Ryan Seacrest used such a megaphone to exhort 10,000 aspiring American Idols to sing in a huge arena. Ryan Seacrest is not alone – Cyndi Lauper and Kristie Alley have also used such megaphones to good effect.

So, why do celebrities use megaphones? This is probably the shortest and simplest answer you will ever get to such a complex question – because they don’t want to blow their dollars on expensive sound systems.

What’s The Big Deal About Such Powerful Announcement Devices?
Powerful bullhorns are lifesavers. They are reliable to work with and affordable as well. They come equipped with a robust warranty and can achieve a return on investment in double quick time. That is why they are used in a variety of institutions such as:
  1. U.S. Army – by commanding officers to instruct and control troops that are spread across a rather large area.
  2. U.S. Marines and navy – their applications are similar to the U.S. Army’s.
  3. NASA – nope, NASA does not use bullhorns on the moon or Mars! But they do use such devices during rocket launches and other events that require coordination across a vast expanse of land.
  4. Churches use powerful megaphones to address large crowds, especially at fundraising events.
  5. Dictatorial movie directors who love the sound of their own voice can also use them.
Some megaphone companies manufacture ultra loud devices for crowd control applications, which are fondly referred to as “earthquake makers.” These beauties can clear entire streets and smash window glasses in minutes. My advice to you is not to go near one when it is being used. If you are using one, use it with care and sensitivity.

What Are The Key Features Of Loud-Mouthed Bullhorns?
  • These devices amplify sound like no other. Don’t believe me? Stand next to one while an announcement is being made and watch how you go stone-deaf in seconds! Or, at least suffer from tinnitus.
  • But you may be spared of deafness if the announcer saw you and toned down the volume control, which manufacturers graciously build into each device.
  • These devices are tough. You can treat them real rough and they will take it with a smile. Go ahead: your persistent screaming into them won’t matter.
  • Powerful bullhorns at the minimum power rating can throw the voice to about 700 yards. As the power ratings inch higher, so does the amplification area.
To Sum Up
When ancient man conceptualized bullhorns, the idea was to make music and perhaps to make the device work as a Paleolithic long distance telephone. Then population increased and the ancient device was deployed to warn people about impending danger. (Dinosaurs ahoy!) One thing led to another, and you already are familiar with what these devices are capable of these days. Technology will continue to keep changing the way these work and who knows, one day we may be working with mega-powerful megaphones that are no more than 12 inches in length.

Robert R. Thomas lives in Marlin, TX, with his family. He is a blogger, entrepreneur and a gadget enthusiast.

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