How to Make Excel Spreadsheets [.XLS &.XLSX] in C#

How to Make Excel Spreadsheets [.XLS &.XLSX] in C#

There's a library called ExcelLibrary. It's a free, open source library posted on Google Code. It's very simple, small and easy to use. Plus it has a DataSetHelper that lets you use DataSets and DataTables to easily work with Excel data.

ExcelLibrary seems to still only work for the older Excel format (.xls files), but may be adding support in the future for newer 2007/2010 formats. You can also use EPPlus, which works only for Excel 2007/2010 format files (.xlsx files).

Here are a couple links for quick reference:
ExcelLibrary - GNU Lesser GPL
EPPlus - GNU Library General Public License (LGPL)

Here's some example code for ExcelLibrary:

//create new xls file
string file = "C:\\newdoc.xls";
Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
Worksheet worksheet = new Worksheet("First Sheet");
worksheet.Cells[0, 1] = new Cell((short)1);
worksheet.Cells[2, 0] = new Cell(9999999);
worksheet.Cells[3, 3] = new Cell((decimal)3.45);
worksheet.Cells[2, 2] = new Cell("Text string");
worksheet.Cells[2, 4] = new Cell("Second string");
worksheet.Cells[4, 0] = new Cell(32764.5, "#,##0.00");
worksheet.Cells[5, 1] = new Cell(DateTime.Now, @"YYYY\-MM\-DD");
worksheet.Cells.ColumnWidth[0, 1] = 3000;

// open xls file
Workbook book = Workbook.Load(file);
Worksheet sheet = book.Worksheets[0];

 // traverse cells
 foreach (Pair<Pair<int, int>, Cell> cell in sheet.Cells)
     dgvCells[cell.Left.Right, cell.Left.Left].Value = cell.Right.Value;

 // traverse rows by Index
 for (int rowIndex = sheet.Cells.FirstRowIndex;
        rowIndex <= sheet.Cells.LastRowIndex; rowIndex++)
     Row row = sheet.Cells.GetRow(rowIndex);
     for (int colIndex = row.FirstColIndex;
        colIndex <= row.LastColIndex; colIndex++)
         Cell cell = row.GetCell(colIndex);

Creating the Excel file is as easy as that. You can also manually create Excel files, but the above functionality is what really impressed me.

Credits : Mike Webb

How to Send SMS in C# Using GSM Modem/Dongle

How to Send SMS in C# Using GSM Modem/Dongle
This is a very simple method to send SMS via GSM Modem so without much explanations let's get into it.

Thing's you'll need :
  • GSM Modem with a SIM
  • Libraries :
If you've installed the Modem software you'll be able find all the libraries needed. Just go to add Reference and add the mentioned libraries (without them this program won't work).

How to Send SMS in C# Using GSM Modem/Dongle

Now go to your form and add control as given below
  • 4 Labels :
    Label1 - Message Body :
    Label2 - Phone Number :
    Label3 - Port :
    Label4 - Modem Not Connected
  • 2 Textboxes :
    Textbox1 - To Phone Number
    Textbox2 - To Message Body
  • 1 ComboBox :
    Combobox1 - To Port :
  • 2 Buttons
    Button1 - Send
    Button2 - Connect
 Arrange your form like this :

How to Send SMS in C# Using GSM Modem/Dongle

 Now let's go to the coding

Namespaces :
 using GsmComm.GsmCommunication;  
 using GsmComm.PduConverter;  
 using GsmComm.Server;  

Add this above Public Form1 :

 private GsmCommMain comm;  

Form1_Load :

Button2_Click :
 if (Combobox1.Text == "")  
         MessageBox.Show("Invalid Port Name");  
       comm = new GsmCommMain(Combobox1.Text, 9600, 150);  
       Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;  
       bool retry;  
         retry = false;  
           Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;  
           MessageBox.Show("Modem Connected Sucessfully");  
           Button2.Enabled = false;  
           label4.Text = "Modem is connected";  
         catch (Exception)  
           Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;  
           if (MessageBox.Show(this, "GSM Modem is not available", "Check",  
             MessageBoxButtons.RetryCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Warning) == DialogResult.Retry)  
             retry = true;  
           { return; }  
       while (retry);  

Button1_Click :
         Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;  
         SmsSubmitPdu pdu;  
           Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;  
           byte dcs = (byte)DataCodingScheme.GeneralCoding.Alpha7BitDefault;  
           pdu = new SmsSubmitPdu(Textbox2.Text, Textbox1.Text);  
           int times = 1;  
           for (int i = 0; i < times; i++)  
         MessageBox.Show("Message Sent Succesfully","Success",MessageBoxButtons.OK,MessageBoxIcon.Information);  
       catch(Exception ex)  

That's all, Do share your comments.

Credits : Rotich

How To Make A Downloader In C#

How To Make A Downloader Picture
Making your own downloader (simple download) would sound hard and maybe boring but actually it's not , it's very easy to make a downloader in c# . Today i will tell you how to write downloader in c# in the easiest way by the way this is just a simple one .

First of all create a new project then add two buttons, two text boxes, two labels & at last add a progressbar now change the properties of your tools as given below

Button1 - Text : Download
Button2 - Text : Save
Label1 - Text : Direct Link(Optional)
Label2 - Text : Save File(Optional)
Textbox1 - To Put The Download Link
Textbox2 - To Show The Save Directory

Arrange the tools to make your form look like this
Arranging Form