How To Get Windows Product Key In C#

How To Get Windows Product Key In C#
I wrote a tutorial before months on how to get windows product key in Today we are going to do the same thing in c#.

First of all add these namespaces :
using Microsoft.Win32;
using System.Collections;

After that add this function.:

How To Print A Triangle In Java Using For Loop

hello guys , i remember what kind of homeworks in java students get at the start so i started to post solutions in this even i had to do this when i was doing java (a diploma) our sir asked us to make a program that prints out a triangle using For Loops so i created my own answer but my sir showed us a different one it doesn't even looks like a triangle but it has the triangle shape but mine is exactly a triangle .

this is my answer , NOTE : the easiest and the best way to print a real triangle

How To Make Label Typing Effect In VB.NET

For this tutorials we will need a timer and a label and a public string and a public integer thats all we need to begin add a label and add a timer now lets go do coding i have written the codes so no need to write one by one

Cryptographic Algorithms For VB.NET

I wanted to share some Cryptographic Algorithms with you all and by the way cryptographic is a very important resource for programmers all the way .

Triple DES - triple data encryption (3DES)

Imports System.Text
Imports System.Security.Cryptography

Public Class 3_DES
    Public Shared Function Encrypt(ByVal toEncrypt As String, ByVal key As String, ByVal useHashing As Boolean) As String
  Dim keyArray As Byte()
  Dim toEncryptArray As Byte() = UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(toEncrypt)

  If useHashing Then
    Dim hashmd5 As New MD5CryptoServiceProvider()
    keyArray = hashmd5.ComputeHash(UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(key))
    keyArray = UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(key)
  End If

  Dim tdes As New TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider()
  tdes.Key = keyArray
  tdes.Mode = CipherMode.ECB
  tdes.Padding = PaddingMode.PKCS7

  Dim cTransform As ICryptoTransform = tdes.CreateEncryptor()
  Dim resultArray As Byte() = cTransform.TransformFinalBlock(toEncryptArray, 0, toEncryptArray.Length)

  Return Convert.ToBase64String(resultArray, 0, resultArray.Length)
    End Function
End Class

How To Make A GUI(Graphical User Interface) In Java

first java application

heyy guys !! i am back with java .. , so today i am gonna teach you how to make a your very first java GUI program after that i will write more tutorial on adding controls to the interface and giving click events .. , first of all open your favorite text editor and after that these are the codes i have written so go ahead and put them in

How To Add Facebook Comment Box To Your Website

facebook commenting

adding facebook comment made easy by facebook ! there are lots of use from using facebook comment box  instead other comment systems . if you have not seen a facebook comment box below are two designs that facebook gives you

facebook comment box - dark

facebook comment box

facebook comment box - light

facebook comment

ok now go to this link  scroll down and you will see something like this

set up facebook commenting

How To Make A Simple Digital Clock Using Javascript

digital clock javascript !!!!!

i remember i have written a tutorial on making a clock using javascript before but i know that it was not explained and that codes were not clean so i thought make it again with nice codes . first we need to create a html document to make a the javascript codes work or make the javascript functions work so go ahead and create a new html document and type the regular html tags and under head tag add these codes

now close the head tag and start the body tag now put these codes there

now close the body tag and check your html page boom ! a small digital clock in javascript ! you can also use some awesome css and some other things to make this beautiful !

How To Play A Wave Sound File In Background Mode In C#

wave file

this is gonna be a snippet and i call it a useful snippet , you just need to add a namespace and add 4 lines of codes to a event .

add this namespace :

Using System.Media;

after that you need to add these 4 lines of codes for a event (for example form_load , button_click)

SoundPlayer wave = new SoundPlayer();
            string path = "path to .WAV";
            wave.SoundLocation = path; 

now replace path to .WAV with the destination (for example C:/new folder/hello.wav)

i hope you enjoy this !

Drop Shadow At The Form Border In C#


i hope you guys didn't forget the same thing that i have written for VB.NET . alright like that we are now going to make the form border drop shadow that will make the form look awesome :) if your on a project that doesn't matter or create a new project to test it .


    public partial class Form1 : Form

add these codes

 protected override CreateParams CreateParams
                CreateParams cp = base.CreateParams;
                cp.ClassStyle |= CS_DROPSHADOW;
                return cp;

now debug and enjoy the shadow

c# shadow at form

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