10 E-Commerce Marketing tricks you'll regret missing

Today, driving maximum traffic and sales for your e-commerce website has indeed become a difficult mission. Its not that easy to woo your customers to a level that they choose to purchase your products and/or services. Fortunately, we have an easy access to some brilliant e-commerce marketing tricks, which if put into action can shoot up your conversions by an astonishing level. So, here I'm with ten simple marketing tips and tricks that can encourage customers to visit you repetitively in addition to making huge purchases.

1. Get rid of abandoned carts immediately

There are some online shoppers who irrespective of adding items to their carts, choose to abandon the carts during the checkout process. Such abandoned carts can pose as a loop hole in your e-store. Hence, it is recommended to reduce/eliminate these abandoned carts on an urgent basis. You can always choose to convince such customers for completing their product purchase by sending them emails regarding the same.

2. Create exciting exit offers

Even the best-designed e-commerce websites can easily lose potential customers if the product prices seems to be sky-touching. A simple solution to prevent such a situation is to offer free shipping or tempting discounts that can refrain the customers from navigating to an entirely different e-store.

3. Don't delay in capturing maximum number of Email Subscribers

Email is an excellent channel for communicating with potential customers and prompting them to make regular purchases from your e-store. Sending marketing messages via emails is perhaps the best method of making people aware about any coupons or discounts that are available on your product range. Ensure that maximum number of e-store visitors opt for subscribing to your newsletters and emails.

4. Leverage Social Proof

Customers carry a mindset of purchasing from a site which has excellent product reviews and ratings on different social networking websites like Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinterest etc. You can opt for installing the 'Product Reviews' app(designed by Shopify) which would offer you a convenient way of adding reviews for different products featured on the e-store.

5. Make it convenient for your customers to receive what they're looking for

Well, a badly designed e-store can make you lose multiple customers. Whether it's about the deficiency of a clear value proposition, non-impressive product descriptions or a tedious navigation, all such factors can easily ruin the credibility of your e-store. Therefore, it is recommended to pay attention to each minute detail associated with your e-commerce website. If you've an ill-fitting theme, check out downloading one which can suit your site's purpose in the best way.

6. Incorporate a 'Gifting' section within your e-store

The trend of exchanging gifts has always proved beneficial in nurturing relationships among human beings. As an e-commerce merchant, selling gifts can boost your sales by an amazing level. There are multiple apps that can be installed within the e-store for integration of a perfectly-designed 'Gifting' section that can impress prospective buyers.

7. Hone your Ad Spending 

It is a good idea to try out minimal variations on bids available for keywords that can help you identify a perfect business niche. You can opt for Google AdWords which will ensure top ranking for your e-store everyone a user types in your keywords in the Google search box. In addition to this, you can also try advertising on Facebook- a popular social networking website accessed by millions and millions of users all over the world.

8. Engage your customers with Instagram

Your decision to integrate Instagram with your e-commerce website can fetch you maximum customers from different parts of the globe. As per a recent study, it has been found that as compared to other social media platforms, Instagram has the competency of giving a 25% lift to user engagement on your brand. By using the right kind of filters, hashtags and posts, it can become quite convenient for you to build a huge following on Instagram.

9. Opt for up selling your products

Up selling i.e. the concept of selling a product at a slightly higher price while its being considered by a customer is something that will prove a whopping 20 times better as compared to cross-selling via the web. Do ensure to emphasize on how your product is better than the one available at a different online outlet. Don't forget to make your product best fitting for the customers.

10. Make it a point to do excellent market research for anticipating future sales

If you're planning to expand your product line, then it is imperative to evaluate the product demand in the targeted market. Go ahead with doing a detailed keyword research and checking out the latest social media trends. You can also try your hands on pre-selling specific items or listing some products as 'out of stock' to check the number of people who place their order request for the products under focus.

Wrapping Up

I seriously hope the roundup of best e-commerce marketing tricks covered in this post would allow you to make the most of your online presence and help you reach out to targeted customers instantly.

About the Author
: Amanda Cline works with Xicom Technologies Ltd- A reputed IOS/Android App Development Services with an excellent track record. When not busy developing great iOS apps, she feel proud in blogging and rendering IT support to individuals and enterprises.

The Top Five Customized Summer Promotional Products

Summer time is here and it is way easier for you to enjoy it with having the increase in sales in your market and the right products for your brand these days. With this said, you will want to figure out what works for your marketing and what makes it really easy for you to get in touch and make sure that you have the right items to make it all work for your branding.

Top Reasons To Use Grunt - A Leading JavaScript Task Runner

Top Reasons To Use Grunt - A Leading JavaScript Task Runner

Though web development has evolved into one of the most promising fields of career, the majority of mundane work associated with the same has often refrained students from choosing the same. Fortunately, we can rely on a good task runner which can automate the tasks(for eg: compilation, liniting, minification, unit testing etc.) which need to be performed on a repetitive basis. So, if you're a JavaScript developer who's in a fuss about the effective execution of multiple tasks which need to be performed repetitively, then using the popular Javascript task runner called Grunt can work for you. Keep on reading the paragraphs that follow in this post to get a bigger picture of Grunt and reasons behind using the same as an individual and/or a team.

How To Configure WhatsApp Service For Web

How To Configure WhatsApp Service For Web

The most popular messaging service WhatsApp is now able to communicate with friends from their Computer. WhatsApp has launched this web service yesterday.

Last month, it was leaked that WhatsApp was working on a web service and finally from today they are introducing it to the public. The feature is called "WhatsApp Web," which provides it's users the ability to read and send messages directly from their web browsers.

The feature currently works on Android, Windows Phone, and BlackBerry, however sadly, there's no web solution at this time for iOS users because of limitations of the platform.

"Today, for the first time, millions of you will have the ability to use WhatsApp on your web browser," WhatsApp wrote in their blog. "Our web client is simply an extension of your phone: The web browser mirrors conversations and messages from your mobile device — this means all of your messages still live on your phone."

How To Configure 

1. Update your WhatsApp if you haven't updated, open the application > open WhatsApp menu > tap on WhatsApp Web.

WhatsApp Web

 2. Now you will be asked to scan the QR code give in WhatsApp web, tap on OK, GOT IT and scan the QR code.

Scan QR Code

TADA! Here we go!

WhatsApp Web Conversation

Keep in mind that you need an active internet connection both in your phone and your computer.

The web version supports desktop notifications so you will be notified when you receive new WhatsApp messages even when you're not checking the web page. The Facebook-owned company is also working on a voice calling feature that WhatsApp will soon launch.

Programming and Tech Tips For All To Use

Programming and Tech Tips For All To Use

Programming and technology points have been rather prevalent and important to explore over the years. There is a clear need to take a look at such programming plans can be used in any spot though. There are a few sensible tips that may be used today in order to help people understand what is required of them when getting their setups ready for whatever it is they want to create and establish. These are all sensible tips that can work wonders for anyone these days. 

Code analysis programs are always helpful.
Code analysis programs are being used these days to help with testing out the codes that are being used in computers and if they are actually active and functional as desired. Programs like Klocwork, Polyspace, Pretty Diff and Black Duck Suite have been big hits with many who want to find ways to get their programming efforts to be as easy to handle as possible. All programmers need to take a look at what code analysis programs are available for use in their environments. Of course, these will vary based on what is available for use.

Always check the code before troubleshooting anything.

The most important tip to use is to check the code before any troubleshooting activities can take place. This is to ensure that there are not going to be any problems coming out of a program that could only be made worse if some professional troubleshooting functions are managed at any time.

Work with the Final variable.

The Final keyword needs to be used when drafting variables the right way. This is to see that values of items cannot be set more than once after they start running. This can be used to keep the items in the website as consistent and accurate as possible so nothing wrong can happen with them being used at a given time.

Use only one side effect at a time.

It is typically best to stick with one side effect at a given time. Side effects refer to what happens in addition to getting certain values ready in the programming process. It is best to keep the programming process as simple as possible in this case.

Create more accurate and direct names.

Finally, all processes must be used with their own unique and specific names. This is to ensure that the process of generating data will not be all that hard to handle. If the right plans are created in this case then the overall process of coding items will be a little easier for all to work with.

Watch for cut and paste processes.

While cut and paste processes may be useful and can help anyone to save time in the process of getting items ready, you need to be rather cautious. Use cut and paste if the program is a little easier to work with and is not going to be far too complicated. If the program is going to be easier to read though cut and paste processes then it should be just fine as it is. The key is to ensure that the programs being used are as easy to handle as demanded and will not be all that tough to use.

Programming and tech processes are all fascinating things for people to take a careful look at when it comes to finding ways to get a program to really stand out and to work as well as it needs to. The right plans must be established as a means of getting anything to work properly and with more than enough control as needed. After all, a good code setup needs to be designed to keep anything running with ease and clarity in mind.

Author Bio

David Miller is an educational researcher who has several years of experience in the field of teaching, online testing and training. He is associated with prestigious universities and many leading educational research organizations. Currently, he is pursuing research in eLearning software and is also a contributing author with ProProfs.

Convert Strings to Upper Case in JavaScript

Convert Strings to Upper Case in JavaScript

This will teach you the way to convert strings to upper case in javascript. we will use these if we've a text field needs to capitalized all inputted text or simply the 1st letter of the word.

Source :

Hope you learn from this

How To Make a Age Calculator in Java

This is a age calculator made in java, it's a console application by the way :)

source :

 import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.InputMismatchException;

public class age_calculator {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int day = 0;
        int month = 0;
        int year = 0;
        Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);
         System.out.print("Day: ");
         day = scan.nextInt();
         System.out.print("Month: ");
         month = scan.nextInt();
         System.out.print("Year: ");
         year = scan.nextInt();
  catch(InputMismatchException e){
   System.out.println("Error: You entered an invalid number");
        System.out.println("\nYou are " + getAge(day,month,year) + " years old");

    public static int getAge(int day, int month, int year){
  final int ERROR = -1;

        //initialize GregorianCalendar with current date
        GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar();
        //constant holds current day
        final int CDAY = cal.get(GregorianCalendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
        //constant hold current month
        final int CMONTH = cal.get(GregorianCalendar.MONTH) + 1;
        //constant to hold current year
        final int CYEAR = cal.get(GregorianCalendar.YEAR);
        //check if current day of the month is greater then birth day
        if (month == CMONTH){
            if(CDAY >= day)
                return CYEAR - year;
   if(CDAY < day)
    return CYEAR - year - 1;
        //check if birth month is less then current month
        else if(month < CMONTH)
            return CYEAR - year;
        //subtract 1 from the age because  the current day in the month is less then birth date
         return CYEAR - year - 1;
  return ERROR;


screenshot :
 How To Make a Age Calculator in Java
 Hope it helped you :)

Java Port Scanner Full Source Code

Java Port Scanner Full Source Code

Here is the full source code :

/*+---------------------------------Adeel Mahmood---------------------------------+*\

/*+---------------------------------Port Scanner----------------------------------+*\



import java.io.*;
import java.net.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

public class PortScanner extends Frame{

Socket s;
int startPort,endPort;
Label l1;
TextField hostName,fromPort,toPort;
TextArea log;
Label host,from,to,label;
Button scan,reset;
int fp,tp;
String h;
static boolean close=false;
Dialog d;

public PortScanner(){

Frame f=new Frame("Port Scanner");

f.setLayout(new GridLayout(5,1));

l1=new Label("Port Scanner version 1.0",Label.CENTER);
l1.setFont(new Font("TimesRoman",Font.BOLD,20));

Panel p1=new Panel(new GridLayout(3,3));
host=new Label("Host Name:");
hostName=new TextField(15);
from=new Label("From Port:");
fromPort=new TextField(15);
to=new Label("To Port:");
toPort=new TextField(15);


Panel p2=new Panel();
scan=new Button("Scan Now");
scan.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent r){
if(hostName.getText().equals("")){log.setText("Please complete all the required fields");
 else if (fromPort.getText().equals("")){log.setText("Please complete all the required fields");
  else if(toPort.getText().equals("")){log.setText("Please complete all the required fields");
Thread run1=new Thread(){
public void run(){



for(int i=fp;i<=tp;i++){
label.setText("Port "+i+" is being tested");
 s=new Socket(h,i);
 log.append("Port "+i+" is open."+"\n");
 catch(Exception er){continue;}
label.setText("Press Scan to start.");

reset=new Button("Reset");
reset.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent t){
Thread run2=new Thread(){
public void run(){

Label empty=new Label();

log=new TextArea();

label=new Label("Press Scan to start.");


f.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter(){
public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e){


public static void main(String args[]){

new PortScanner();

}// end of class

Enjoy, please comment if you have any problems.

Why Use Knowledge Base Software?

Why Use Knowledge Base Software?

Give your customers the ability to answer frequently asked questions, access how-to videos, or download forms, while at the same time increasing your business efficiency and decreasing employee costs. How? Easy, use knowledge base software. A well-designed knowledge base management system can act as a self-serve information resource for both customers and employees.

What is a knowledge base system?
Basically, a knowledge base management system is a place for storing information that can be organized, searched, shared, and used for multiple purposes.

For example, let's say your new online business is inundated with customer queries and support requests. In addition, your support teams often need to scramble to find the most up-to-date information and resources to solve the customer's problem.

Using knowledge base software, you can build an effective online resource allowing customers to access the information they need whenever they need it, therefore reducing the number of support calls. A constantly updated system would also allow all employees instant access to the same knowledge, eliminating the frustration of searching multiple places for information that may or may not be current.

How can knowledge base software decrease costs?
Allowing the customer 24/7 access to information and instructional videos is less costly for your business than finding, training, and paying employees to staff the phones 24 hours a day. It can also help reduce the learning curve for new employees by storing the information they need in a searchable database.

Add instructional videos and both the customer and new employee can quickly learn the benefits of your product or service, how to assemble a product, ways to return merchandise, or what other products or services might complement the selected item. This reduces employee time answering queries and reduces training costs as customer service representatives can educate themselves on a number of procedures.

What information should a knowledge base system contain?
A knowledge base system should contain as much relevant information as possible to be useful for the people accessing the system.  Remember, the knowledge base system is intended to act as a resource for the reader, so defining who the reader might be is crucial. The language you use and the information you provide may differ depending on whether you are addressing a customer or a sales representative.

Consider organizing the information into different levels of complexity for certain topics. For example, your customers will likely be interested in the "how to" of a topic, while a support technician will also need to know the "why." Business or technology jargon may be appropriate for a technical representative, but not for the layman trying to find the answer to a basic question.

Don't forget to ask for feedback!
A knowledge base system can allow customers to rate your knowledge articles and leave comments. This means that the business can stay on top of what information consumers need. Encouraging feedback also makes the customer feel vested in your business, an important way to promote loyalty and increase customer satisfaction.

Just keep two things in mind when designing your knowledge base system: know your reader and make every key word searchable. Customers that can find answers to their questions quickly are going to be left with a favorable impression of your business. And that translates to an increase in customer loyalty and retention.

Author Bio
David Miller is an educational researcher who has vast experience in the field of teaching, Online testing and training. He is associated with prestigious universities and many leading educational research organizations. He’s also an ed-tech veteran, currently pursuing research in new Knowledge base software, and is a contributing author with ProProfs.