How To Make A Header Marquee Effect in HTML

A Header Marquee Effect

hey guys finally i am up to a simple HTML tutorial but i hope this will be useful to you ok now you don't need to waste time just some lines of codes and your done . you can see how this works in the image what you could see in the top but i'd say it's a GIF i mean a recorded one so it can't show you how actually this works naturally . so to begin making this open your most favorite text editor or just use the notepad and add the usual tags

now just this is code of the recorded GIF

so you have the codes now you can edit everything

How To Make A Simple Custom Google Search Engine Using Basic HTML

Hello everybody. So, today I will teach how to make a google search box in HTML. you can see some google search embed on websites even our website has one but we are going to make a simple one i meant very simple one

So, lets get started. Open your html editor (I will be using notepad for quick and easy editing.) and now add this codes

How To Draw Circular Progress Bar On Form In VB.NET

circular progress bar preview

hello i think the title says what this tutorial is about but i have to explain it for you okay now this cannot be used instead of progress bar what you see in the toolbox but this is like a animation . this just draws lines using system.drawing.drawing2D okay now lets begin making this you don't need to do much things just create a new project and just go to the coding place and add this codes

How To Get All System Information In VB.NET

Hdisplay system infor

hey everyone so again a tutorial actually a console application tutorial but you will learn a lot from this things okay now i will tell you what information's you will be getting on the console
  • Your Operating System Full Name
  • Your Operating System Platform
  • Your Operating System Version
  • Your Windows Bit (32,64)
  • Your Computer Name
  • Your Computer Current Language Name
  • Your Computer Current Date And Time
  • Your Computer Manufacturer
  • Your Computer Model
  • Your Operating System Version
  • Your System Type
  • Your Windows Directory
  • Your Number Of Processes 
  • Your Computer Display Information
  • Your Ram Memory
  • Physical Memory
  • Virtual Memory
okay now lets create the program just create a console application and you will see the model 1 now add a class and name it WMI and add this codes into the WMI class

Most Sophisticated Computer Mice in 2013

Most Sophisticaded Computer Mice in 2013 Infographic

Are you a fan of the traditional computer mouse? Do you make a point of carrying one of these peripherials in your laptop bag, because the touchpad in your laptop just doesn't feel comfortable? We can understand those feelings. When you have to spend a lot of time working in the computer, a mouse is simply the best pointing device you can get. That's why we created this infographic - to pay homage to the most advanced mice currently available on the market. As you can see, there is something for every taste and personal need:
Some of these mice were created specifically for people suffering from arm related injuries; models with special functions to please the most demanding gamers; and of course, there are some sophisticated designs meant for those whose work involves spending long sessions in front of the computer. Some of these mice are ideal for travelers and business people. Check out the following infographic and let us know which one you like best!

If you enjoyed this Infographic, we recommend checking out Dom's Tech Blog for the latest tech related news.

How To Make A Text To Binary Converter In VB.NET

hey guys and girls today i am going to teach you how to make a binary to text converter or binary to text converter in simply you dont have to waste much time in this tutorials . first of all you should have known what is binary so take a look at this page and come back ok now i will explain how this works . you have two text box and you have two buttons now you need to add text in text box1 and click button1 to convert your text box1 text to binary and the binary code for the text will be shown in text box2 ok so lets make it now create a new project and add two text box and two buttons and change the button1 text to convert to binary and change the button2 to convert to text and dont forget text box is for text and text box2 is for binary . i can say make your application look like this

How Get Information's About Your Internet In VB.NET

Today i will show you how you can obtain the computers mac address, local ip and outgoing ip
First create a new project

1. Open Visual Studio or Visual Basic.
2. Create a new windows form project and name it whatever you want.

Now to add the controls.
1. Add 3 textboxes, name the first outtext the second iptext and the last mactext.
2. add 4 buttons, name the first copyout the second copyip and the last copymac, you dont need to rename
the last its just to get all the information.
3. Set the text on the copy buttons to copy.

Now to the code first you add at the top of your code.

Imports System.Net

then you add this below public class.
 Dim ip As New WebClient

Now add this so that when you click on the buttons you copy it
    Private Sub CopyOut_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CopyOut.Click
    End Sub

    Private Sub CopyIp_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CopyIp.Click
    End Sub

    Private Sub CopyMac_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CopyMac.Click
    End Sub
Now we will add the code that gets the mac address the outgoing ip and the local ip, add this to your code.
Private Sub getoutip()
'Get outgoing ip
            OutText.Text = ip.DownloadString("")

        Catch ex As Exception
            OutText.Text = "No connection"
        End Try
    End Sub

    Private Sub obtip()
        'MAC Address
        For Each nic As System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterface In System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces()
            MACText.Text = String.Format("{2}", nic.Description, Environment.NewLine, nic.GetPhysicalAddress())
            Exit For
'Get local ip
        Dim host As String = System.Net.Dns.GetHostName()
        Dim LocalHostaddress As String = System.Net.Dns.GetHostByName(host).AddressList(0).ToString()
        IPtext.Text = LocalHostaddress
    End Sub

How To Make Text Scroll Up Effect In VB.NET

hello guys this is a cool one about scrolling text to up and you know you have seen something like this when using other application for example when you go to the about form on some applications you can see they have the scrolling text to up like the credits of the application and etc goes up so it would be cool to make your own about form like that so i am just up with this and i hope you will benefit from it and i have to tell the video which you see is not a quality one . create a project and name it whatever and when the form loading done just do things you usually do in the properties of the form and etc . now add a label and a timer and you see the label and timer are the controls you need and they are the most important now add the text whatever you(lorem ipsum) want to , inside the label1 text and now go to timer properties and enabled = true and set the interval to 30 and now double click your form and just add these codes

How To Make A Screen Shot Application In VB.NET

hello , your now in the right place to learn how to make a simple screen shot application as you can see lots of screen shot applications on the internet and they are very good and useful by the way i can write a tutorial about making a very advanced screen shot application with a lot features so i am now just going to teach you how to make a simple very small screen shot application in and this dont take too much time , ok now lets begin make a new project and name it and when the form loading finishes just adjust the regular things you do in the form properties and the application properties and after that make your form very small the size like 300,127 or however you want now add one button and a textbox and a timer from the toolbox after that simple change the button1 text to capture or whatever means capturing , make the textbox size 33,20 and inside the text of textbox1 add 5 and now click timer and go to properties and inside interval put 1000 , i will explain how the program will work after coding ends whne the program is running in the textbox you just need to add time like i mentioned add 5 now when you click the button capture it will go 4,3,2,1 and the application will hide itself in windows and the screen will be captured and saved near the executable of the application ,now make sure you have a good looking form also i dint mention before you can add a label to make the things look good