How To Make A Downloader In C#

How To Make A Downloader Picture
Making your own downloader (simple download) would sound hard and maybe boring but actually it's not , it's very easy to make a downloader in c# . Today i will tell you how to write downloader in c# in the easiest way by the way this is just a simple one .

First of all create a new project then add two buttons, two text boxes, two labels & at last add a progressbar now change the properties of your tools as given below

Button1 - Text : Download
Button2 - Text : Save
Label1 - Text : Direct Link(Optional)
Label2 - Text : Save File(Optional)
Textbox1 - To Put The Download Link
Textbox2 - To Show The Save Directory

Arrange the tools to make your form look like this
Arranging Form

AP WOW Wake On Wan : Wake Up Your Computer

AP WOW Wake On Wan is useful program that allows you to send packets to a computer in order to switch it on .

How To Use?
  1. Click Enable WOW to enable wake on wan.
  2. Inset the IP address of the computer that you want to switch on.
  3. Insert the MAC address of the computer that you want to switch on.
  4. Insert the default subnet of the computer that you want to switch on.
  5. Insert the Port that you have forwarded to receive the packets.
  6. Click Start (WOW) to send a packet to the computer that you want to switch on.
  • Internet Connection
  • .NET Framework 4.0
  • Administrator Privilege
 Working Example

How To Make Typing Effect In C#

typing thingy
Everyone wants the typing effect in their about form of their program even i want :) , so i found a very good way to do that thing easily .

First of all create a new project to test this & add a label from the toolbox because we need it also add a timer to the form . Don't change change anything in the timer properties , Now let's create a String and a Static Integer .
string Type_Text = "Ultimate programming tutorials";//This is the text that's going to be typed
   static int index_Num = 0;//declaring integer index_Num 
Now on form_load event let's code some basics
            timer1.Interval = (150);//setting the timer interval since timer interval is Int i am not using "
            timer1.Enabled = true;//enabling the timer
            label1.Text = "";//setting label1 text to be empty
Now at last we'll go to timer_tick event so create the event first of all and we'll do some maths (*_*)
label1.Text = Type_Text.Substring(0, index_Num) + "_";//Substring is a part of Type_Text String that we declared at the start
            index_Num++;//Doing a post fix
            if (index_Num == Type_Text.Length + 1)//An if statment with a condition of course
                index_Num = 0;
Here is the full codes
        //Author : Mohamed Shimran
        //Blog :

        string Type_Text = "Ultimate programming tutorials";//This is the text that's going to be typed
        static int index_Num = 0;//declaring integer index_Num 

        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            timer1.Interval = (150);//setting the timer interval since timer interval is Int i am not using "
            timer1.Enabled = true;//enabling the timer
            label1.Text = "";//setting label1 text to be empty

        private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            label1.Text = Type_Text.Substring(0, index_Num) + "_";//Substring is a part of Type_Text String that we declared at the start
            index_Num++;//Doing a post fix
            if (index_Num == Type_Text.Length + 1)//An if statment with a condition of course
                index_Num = 0;

Now let's debug the program and see what happens

Typing Effect - Debug

As you can see in the image it's working nicely by the way the gif is bit laggy don't mind it . I hope this really helps .

Avanti : Find Programs You To Run In Compatibility Mode

Avanti is a useful program helps you to identify the programs you use to run in compatibility mode . All you have to do is right click and select analyze :).

  • Analyze 
  • Delete
  • Refresh

Avanti - Analyze & And Display Program That You Set To Run In Compatibility Mode
Main Window
Avanti - Analyze & And Display Program That You Set To Run In Compatibility Mode

Comathi Developer : Simple Notepad for developers

Comathi Developer : Notepad for developers

Comathi Developer is a great tool for developers . Comathi Developer does not require any installations , comes handy with many features :) .


  • Supports html,html,php,js(javascript),css,vb(visual basic),cs(csharp),sln,xml,txt,rtf.
  • Preview html document in your default web browser.
  • Convert text to Upper Case, Lower Case, Binary, Alphanumeric.
  • Load source code of any website by using the website URL.
  • Zoom in and zoom out.
  • Counts characters & words.
  • Multi document(Multi tab feature).
Comathi Developer
Main Window
Comathi Developer
Comathi Developer
Editing HTML
Comathi Developer
                                                                             File > New,Open,Save,Save as & Exit

  • Windows XP , Windows Vista , Windows 7 & Windows 8
  • .Net Framework 4.0 or later

  1. Softpedia
  2. SOFT-GO
  3. Brothersoft
  4. CNET

Download Comathi Developer

Free Folder Locking Software : Rabbit Locker

Today we launch Rabbit Locker.
To keep your files / folders safe in seconds.

this will be protected by a password.
watch the video and download the app.

try to run the app as Admin just in case if you find any troubles.
just run the setup and it will install just a .exe file in the folder you want or use the default folder.
this app require internet connection for registration.

problems questions don't wait just ask :)



Main View Of App[by Softpedia]
another view of Rabbit Locker[by Softpedia]

Image Source

Download From Softpedia

Free Messaging Client : Rabbit Messenger 2.0

Rabbit Messenger 2.0 is a free application which allows you to send fast and quick a message to your friends.

Without to use any email app. Some may think that rabbit Messenger is a chat application but its not, it even allows you to add friends to contact you. You can even send others a fast message without to be friends.


  • Add Friends
  • Visit there profile
  • Control your own profile
  • Compose messages
  • Save messages into a file
  • Look who's online
  • Birthday view of your friends. and send them a sweet birthday message.
  • Give other Reputation points
  • Faster Reply to messages
  • Notification of a new message every 5 min. (standard time)
  • Complete Members List
  • Delete friends
  • Change your Online Status

Infographic : Brief History About Programming

Here is a Brief History About Programming in a form an infographic which i found while surfing over the web pages :)

brief  Programming

Click here to view the image

Google Chrome Theme For VB.NET

So everyone loves the looks of Google Chrome and wonder why not in here is a theme that looks like chrome :)

first add a class

Google Chrome Theme For VB.NET
then add these codes inside the class