Changing Drive things are pretty easy with
kernel32 so what we are going to do is just change the name or label , okay okay i know it's called label and not name most of the times :D . first of all let's design the Form .
Add two text boxes and two labels and a button and make your look like this(if you believe in my UI design)
Now coming to the coding , hmm we need to add kernel32 to the project so add the namespace
using System.Runtime.InteropServices; , Now import the kernel32.dll to your project by adding these codes under or on top of
public Form1()
The codes(kernel32)
static extern long SetVolumeLabelA(string lpRootName, string lpVolumeName);
After that go to your button(rename) click codes and add these
long lab;
lab = SetVolumeLabelA(textBox1.Text, textBox2.Text);
Now test your project , if it didn't work for you please let me know by commenting on this post or else contact me via the contact
I hope explanations are not needed for this simple codes , Thank you.