How To Get IP Address From Host Name In VB.NET

This tutorial is about coding a Host To IP Address Program , how this works ? this finds the ip address of the host or i can say it converts the domain name to ip address so lets begin making this your visual basic 2008/2010

2.create a new project and name it whatever you like to

3.add a button and change its text property to get ip

4.add two textboxes

textbox1 is for host

textbox2 is for ip address

5.add two labels and change their text properties as below

label1 - host : 
label2 - IP Address :

How To Make A Credit Card Determiner In VB.NET

Today, we are going to make a Credit Card Determiner in VB.NET.
First if all open your Visual Studio or Visual Basic, create a new Project, add two text boxes & a button, change the button text property to check or whatever you want.

I recommend you to set your tools like this

How To Delete/Copy/Move A File In VB.NET

Deleting A File

Deleting a file is pretty easy , to delete a file you can use the delete method of System.IO

    Dim DeleteFile As String

        DeleteFile = "C:/users/shim/desktop/test.png"

        If System.IO.File.Exists(DeleteFile) = True Then

            MsgBox("File Deleted")

        End If

this is the directory of the file C:/users/shim/desktop/test.png

How To Make A CPU Performance Meter In VB.NET

just thought to write this , this tutorial is about making a cpu performance meter in so lets get started visual basic 2008/2010

2.create a new project and name it whatever you want if you want to change the form text property and other thing just change them

4.add a performance counter from the toolbox and change its properties as given below

Counter Name - % Processor Time
Instant Name - Idle/0
Category Name - Thread

How To Make A Loan Calculator In VB.NET

this tutorial is about making a loan calculator its just a simple one so you dont have to waste alot time to make it so lets get started your visual basic 2008/2010

2.make a new project and name it whatever you want

3.add 4 labels and change the text property of them as below

label1 - amount
label2 - interest rate
label3 - duration
label4 - monthly payment add 4 textboxes

5.set the labels and textboxes as given below

How To Make A Simple Task Manager In VB.NET

this tutorial is about making a simple task manager in . lets get started visual basic 2008/2010

2.create a new project and name it whatever you want

3.add a listbox

4.add two buttons

5.change the text property of the two buttons as given below

button1 - refresh
button2 - end process

6.set the controls look like this

How To Make Scrolling Text In Textbox And Label In VB.NET

this is a good snippet and this will be very useful for you , lets start visual basic 2008/2010

2. create a new project

3. add a textbox and a timer

4. enable the timer

5.write something in the textbox (textbox1 > properties > text )

How To Make A Application Launcher In VB.NET

this is a simple thing this works like run which you can find on windows xp,windows vista,windows 7,etc

you can use this to open programs,folders,documents and website etc

so lets get started

1. open visual basic 2008/2010

2. create a new project

3. name it whatever you want

4. add 3 buttons 

5. change the text property of them as below

button1 - ok
button2 - browse
button3 - cancel

6 . add a textbox and change property multiline - true

7. add a openfiledialog

8. make your form look like this

9. double click your form and add this code
'Author : Mohamed Shimran
'Blog :
Public Class Form1

    Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

        OpenFileDialog1.FileName = " "
    End Sub

    Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
    End Sub

    Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

    End Sub

    Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click

    End Sub

    Private Sub OpenFileDialog1_FileOk(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs) Handles OpenFileDialog1.FileOk
        TextBox1.Text = OpenFileDialog1.FileName
    End Sub
End Class

10. now debug and type commands that you usually do with windows run and press ok , it'll work

for example just type in the textbox and press ok then your default browser will open and you will be navigated to website

How To Make A Simple Web Browser In C#

This is my first c# tutorial and its about making a web browser . this web browser doesnt have advanced controls this is just a simple one

lets begin making a simple web browser

1. open your visual c# 2008/2010

2.create a new project and name it whatever you want

3.edit your form properties like text and icon

4. now go to toolbox and grab web browser control inside the form