How To Add A Top Bar To Blogger

We are going to use a service a popular one it's called AddThis . AddThis provide many services such as sharing widgets and recommended posts widget etc and we are going to use Welcome Bar . Go to and create a new account or if you already have an account log on to your account.

Now go to and create your Welcome Bar . Design the bar as well
Design Welcome Bar AddThis
Finally get the code right after that designing place , this is my code(don't use this code)

Place that javascript below head or between body tags then as you have settled your Welcome Bar , it will appear. Thanks For Reading .

Syntax Highlighter For Blogger

I have been using Alex Gorbatchev Syntax Highlighter for a long while now . someone requested me to write an article about using this syntax highlighter in blogger so here i go .

Select a theme for the syntax highlighter , those links have previews of the theme.
Now add these codes under your head in your html .

After adding those codes now it's time to set your theme to the syntax highlighter , in the third line of code that i gave before . this parameter is what i meant

now after styles/ add the theme style , you can see the theme style right after the theme preview link . for example i have selected shThemeRDark.css then my parameter would look like this


Now you have successfully added the syntax highlighter now save your template and now we will test the syntax highlighter . you cannot just add the code and let it define the language , you should define the language in the tag . you can see what language we can highlight from here  . coming to the point i will show you how to syntax highlight a java hello world program .

go to the HTML tab in your post and find where you want the syntax highlighter to be and here we go
replace ____ with your language name and replace codes with your codes and that's how it works . here is a sample of the syntax highlighter.
public class HelloWorld {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Hello World");

Thanks For Reading , Have A Great day .

How To : Change Drive Name Or Label In C#

Changing Drive things are pretty easy with kernel32 so what we are going to do is just change the name or label , okay okay i know it's called label and not name most of the times :D . first of all let's design the Form .

Add two text boxes and two labels and a button and make your look like this(if you believe in my UI design)
ui des
Now coming to the coding , hmm we need to add kernel32 to the project so add the namespace using System.Runtime.InteropServices;  , Now import the kernel32.dll to your project by adding these codes under or on top of 
public Form1()
The codes(kernel32)
        static extern long SetVolumeLabelA(string lpRootName, string lpVolumeName);
After that go to your button(rename) click codes and add these
            long lab;
            lab = SetVolumeLabelA(textBox1.Text, textBox2.Text);
Now test your project , if it didn't work for you please let me know by commenting on this post or else contact me via the contact page I hope explanations are not needed for this simple codes , Thank you.

How To : Check Internet Connection In C#

Amm, i think i wrote something about connecting and disconnecting the internet in that's actually a simple matter(process commands) . We are going to use wininet.dll in this tutorial so first of all add this namespace using System.Runtime.InteropServices; after that add this codes after InitializeComponent();  }  
        private extern static bool InternetGetConnectedState(out int Description, int ReservedValue);
        bool IsConnectedToInternet()
            bool a;
            int xs;
            a = InternetGetConnectedState(out xs, 0);
            return a;
What those lines of codes does is , it first adds the dll and then creates a function to use the API,So now to check the state of your internet connection let's use a if condition(;).
            if (IsConnectedToInternet() == true) MessageBox.Show("Internet Is Working");
            if (IsConnectedToInternet() == false) MessageBox.Show("Internet Is Not Working");
Just add those lines for a event to check the internet . Thanks For Reading , Peace.

How To Put HTML,CSS,JAVASCRIPT Codes In Your Blogger Articles

Yes this is my second blogger tutorial , actually this is something i had to do to solve a problem . i use but it seems that if i use anything similar to class in any language then some span tags cover them so the code goes wrong so i was looking for something that will fix my big problem then i found prism.js so i tried it and it's really great those span tags were not there so i wanted to share this with you .

Details of the script

 * prism.js default theme for JavaScript, CSS and HTML
 * Based on dabblet (
 * @author Lea Verou

So to use it in your blogger blog or normal website , just add these under your head tag

Usage :

replace markup with your language name :).

by the way they also provide themes and plugins also you can select the languages , just go to and then go to download there you will be able to select the languages and plugins finally download the css and js.

Hope you like this tutorial , peace.

How To Capture Entire Screen In Java

capture jn
Another quick tutorial on capturing your entire screen with java actually sometimes java makes me mad because sometimes i have to import loads of namespaces than c# or anyways , as usual to do something in system we import IO thingy yes we are using it here .

import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.Robot;
import java.awt.Toolkit;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import javax.imageio.*;

class Snap
 public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception
     Robot awt_robot = new Robot();
  BufferedImage Entire_Screen = awt_robot.createScreenCapture(new Rectangle(Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize()));
  ImageIO.write(Entire_Screen, "PNG", new File("Entire_Screen.png"));

How To List Down Countries In Java

java countries
Java is something what really impressed me than other programming languages anyways today we'll see how to list down all the countries and their country code . I don't know whether you know theres a small library called Locale in java.util namspace so that's what i am using here to do the thing .

import java.util.*;
 /* Author : Mohamed Shimran
    Blog :
class Countries {
    public static void main(String args[]) {
    String[] cntry = Locale.getISOCountries();
 for (String countryCode : cntry) {
  Locale obj = new Locale("", countryCode);
  System.out.println("Country Code = " + obj.getCountry() 
   + ", Country Name = " + obj.getDisplayCountry());
NOTE: i was using public class but i had to remove it because my class thingy goes mad still it works actually public class is not needed.

How To Get Mouse Location(X,Y) In C#

I know this is very basic but i am bored so writing this .
The program we are going to make will show you the mouse cursor location, okay first of all click your form and then go to event (the lightning icon in your properties tab) and then search for MouseMove and just double click on it.
How To Get Mouse Location(X,Y) In C#
After that you will fall into the mouse_move event , go to designer and add two labels and just write down the below codes in MouseMove
label1.Text = "X : "+e.X.ToString();
            label2.Text = "Y : "+e.Y.ToString();

Now debug and try moving your mouse .

How To Add Values To ListBox In C#

Adding values to a listbox is something really easy anyways if you don't know how to add values to a listbox then here you go.

You need to add these things to your project first of all
  1. Three buttons (add,show,clear)
  2. Listbox
  3. Textbox