Are You Textually Active? What Your Texting Means

Are You Textually Active? What Your Texting Means
Some form of texting has been around for the last twenty years. However, it has become much more widespread in the past five to ten years. In fact, users sent an amazing 14 billion texts each month back in 2000; however, that number became over 10...

Is Google Glass this Year's Must Have Gadget?

Is Google Glass this Year's Must Have Gadget?
Gadget geeks everywhere are preparing themselves for the launch of Google Glass, which could be as early as this April, but how do real people feel about this new addition to the gadget world? With this question in mind, the money saving website,...

How To Submit Software, Mobile App and Game On Softpedia

How To Submit Software, Mobile App and Game On Softpedia
Softpedia is a site where you can find computer programs and technology based articles. It's owned by SoftNews NET SRL, a Romanian company. It was launched in 2001. My programs have been reviewed by the Softpedia editors thrice. I submit my programs...

SEO Tips For Marketing Your App

SEO Tips For Marketing Your App
If you have developed a great app then you need to start marketing it in order to increase sales and make sure you are earning some money with your app. It is a really good idea to learn some basic SEO to guarantee that search engines rank your new app...